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Natasha Romanoff was never the kind of person to say thank you for anything. Not that she was rude, but she felt that if she had to say those two words, she was indebted to someone. Which meant she had to repay that debt, but Alrina Boldyreva was the one person she has been indebted to her entire life.

Being back on the Helicarrier was bittersweet to the two agents who took every chance they could to be out in the world. One just wanted to wipe the red from her ledger, the other believed no matter what she did nothing could wipe out that much red so she just wanted her freedom to see the world. The wind was something Alrina couldn't seem to get used to in her new home, not because of the small chill it brought, but the amount of it.

Standing shoulder to shoulder with the redhead, they both wait for the first two Avengers to grace them with their presence, but Alrina was never one to sit in total silence.

"You know, I was never too fond of water." Natasha doesn't know whether to laugh or to just keep silent letting the blonde talk to herself. She rolls her eyes instead, "Growing up how we did, that doesn't surprise me in the slightest."

Nodding back at the woman, Alrina glances around the open deck space, refusing to get too close to the edge. "Want to know a secret?"

Natasha loved her secrets and she knew Alrina was the same way, but the both of them knew the most secrets of each other. What was one more?

"What is it this time?"

"I never did learn how to swim." Those few words completely throw off Natasha, knowing that she had to be lying. The Red Room never would have let her go out on missions let alone leave the facility not knowing that basic human skill.

"You're kidding?" Alrina looks at the redhead with a smile that Natasha was trying to overanalyze, but she was being completely honest. The phrase 'Do you want to know a secret?' was always something the two of them did to start a conversation. While it was their own little thing, and it may seem childish, it was how the two bonded. Knowing to never lie to each other, to always be honest no matter how small the secret was.

The pair is interrupted by the landing of a Quinjet, which opens to reveal Coulson, who Alrina was still slightly upset with, and one Steven Rogers. Nodding to Coulson, the two turn their attention to the Captain soon after for an introduction that was completely unnecessary.

"Agent Boldyreva. Agent Romanoff. Captain Rogers."


"Hi." The two respond at the same time, one with more of a Russian accent still present compared to the other before looking to the male agent.

"They need you on the bridge, Coulson. Face time."

"See you both there." As he leaves, the three look at each other in silence before the soldier walks towards the edge of the ship making the two women follow him.

"There was quite the buzz around here finding you in the ice. I thought Coulson was going to swoon." Alrina keeps herself from laughing out loud, but fails to keep a chuckle from coming from her mouth. The captain turns towards her at the noise, "Did he ask you to sign his Captain America trading cards yet?"

Thinking she was joking, he had to double check, "Trading cards?"

A smiling Alrina is all that responded to him, but Natasha verbally responded knowing the other woman would just start laughing the first second she got.

"They're vintage, he's really proud."

Unknowingly to the Captain the trio had started walking to meet up with one Bruce Banner. The doctor notices the small group as they approach him, but the two women keep their distance after their first encounter with the man.

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