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It took two hours for Alrina to find the will to sit up instead of laying in Natasha's lap, but another to find the strength to lift her own head from her shoulder. The shaking of the jet landing into the empty field almost sent her back to three hours ago, but the tight grip in her left hand kept her grounded enough to stand with support. Clint had one arm wrapped around each woman, each trying their best to not make the man carry all of their weight.

"What is this place?" The rest of the Avenger's follow the three agents, taking in the sole house on the large field of empty land.

"A safe house?"

"Let's hope." Alrina doesn't have the energy to reach out to open the door for them, Natasha sparing a stiff arm to open the door that Clint catches with his foot. Letting Natasha walk in first with Clint following, Thor grabs the door before it can hit Alrina as she is pulled along. "Honey, I'm home."

Laura comes walking around the corner from the kitchen, looking at the amount of guests her husband had brought with him. Her gaze stops on the only other two women in the room, a worried gaze at the state of them both.

"Hi, company. Sorry I didn't call ahead." He looks to the two women in his arms, both nodding at him to go to his wife. They both stray to the back of the group, Alrina leaning on the redhead as they go.

"Hey." They share a kiss before turning to look back over the group. "I know all of your names." The thumping of feet running down the stairs brings a smile to the male archer's face, but the noise just reminds Alrina of what the witch showed her.

"Ooh, incoming." Lila and Cooper come running around the corner into the room and into their fathers arms.

"Dad!" Clint bends down to pick up the small child, kissing her on the head before turning his attention to his son. "Hi sweetheart! Hey, buddy! How are you guys doing?"

He kisses his son's head before looking between them with a large smile, something most of the team has never seen.

"Look at your face, oh my goodness!" Lila looks between her parents with a smile, Cooper not too far behind.

"Did you bring Auntie Nat?" Natasha leaves Alrina to lean against the couch, walking around the group to see the little girl notice her with a huge smile.

"Why don't you hug her and find out?"  The laughter causes Alrina to look at the interaction, a small smile pulling at the edge of her lips.

"Dad, you brought Aunt Rina, right?" The team steps to the side as Alrina tries to make it look as though she was completely fine, just leaning against the couch and out of the way. She folds her arms over her chest for good measure, a smile crossing her lips as she looks at the boy.
"Who do you think your dad is? He can't keep me away, Coop." The boy runs over to hug the woman, who actually smiles at the action.

"Sorry for barging in on you."

"Yeah, we would have called ahead, but we were busy having no idea you existed."

"Yeah, well Fury helped me set this up when I joined. He kept it off of S.H.I.E.L.D files and I'd like to keep it that way. I figured it was a good place to lay low." Alrina spares a small peck to the boy in her arms head before breaking away to stand on her own two feet. Cooper runs back upstairs to play with his toys as Alrina walks behind Natasha. The redhead spares a glance behind her as the two go to say hi to Laura.

"Honey, oh I missed you two." She pulls the two former assassins into a hug, Natasha going right for putting a hand on the pregnant woman's belly.

"How's little Natasha, huh?"

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