Top Secret Boy Band

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"Why do I have to make the call?"

Coulson looks from the phone he is holding out to the blonde whose arms are folded across her chest, refusing to take the device. The two just stare at each other before she caves with an annoyed sight, snagging the phone from his smug faced self. All she has to do is click the green button to call since Coulson had already put the number in, but he planned on sticking around for the entertainment. Any interaction between the two Russians was always great to watch.

"Fine, I will call her, but just so you know I will continue to complain about it. Not to mention, my death will be on your hands." She pushes the button, putting the phone up to her ear with a scowl towards the man.

After the phone rings, a heavy angry Russian accent comes through

"кто, черт подери..."

Glancing towards Coulson, who nods her on, she looks at the tracking beacon on the screen in front of her, sighing internally at the extent she has to go to just to speak to the Spider.

"You're at 114 Solenski Plaza, Third floor. We have an F22 exactly eight miles out, so put the woman on the phone or I will blow up the block before you can make the lobby." She even throws in a sarcastic smile towards her company as she hears the silence on the other end of the phone. As she hears the breathing on the other ends change, she assumes they did as they were told.

"Hey котёнок, we need you to come in."

"Are you kidding me?! I'm working." Alrina could just hear the annoyance in her voice, and other than her work own work, annoying her Talia was something she loved to do.

"Sorry Talia, this takes precedence."

Knowing she isn't the slightest bit sorry for interrupting her, she has to make sure she knows exactly what she's interrupting. "I'm in the middle of an interrogation and this moron is giving me everything. Look, you can't pull me out of this right now."

Sighing, "Natasha..."

Natasha knows when Alrina actually uses her name and not her old one or a stupid nickname, she's serious and should listen to the words she is about to say.

"Bird Brain's been compromised, любовь."

The silence on the other line is deafening. Not knowing whether she would blame Alrina for the inconvenience of the information or yell at her for failing the one job Natasha gave her before she left for her own mission. The slight movement from Natasha's side of the call snaps her out of her small internal fear that she would never admit to anyone but the woman herself.

"Let me put you on hold, Rina."

Sighing at the small reprieve of anxiety, she ignores the grunts and slams from the other line and instead takes notice of the company that still hasn't left her side. Coulson slightly smiles at the woman, easily picking up the fact that Alrina Boldyreva is terrified of Natasha Romanoff. Alrina doesn't even bother denying the information that he had more than likely picked up on his own, instead she glares at the man.

"Not a damn word, ever, Coulson. Understood?"

With a smile, he nods before turning away and walking off. As the noises on the phone call start to die off, he catches her attention once again before he leaves.

"You and Romanoff get the big guy, by the way."

Alrina may be terrified of Natasha Romanoff, but the idea of trying to recruit a man with serious anger management issues doesn't settle well with her either.

Gemini (BEING REWRITTEN)Where stories live. Discover now