Public Display of Affection

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"First rule of going on the run, don't run, walk."

Alrina would never admit it, at least not to anyone but Natasha, but she loved the domestic look the spy had chosen to keep them hidden. It could be partially because it was one of the few times she was actually out of her uniform. All Alrina chose to cover her identity was to throw a black pullover over her slightly worn t-shirt and keep everything else on.

"If I run in these shows, they're going to fall off." Alrina chuckles at Steve's comment, receiving a swift elbow in her ribs to be quiet. The trio walks into a computer store, Natasha picking a laptop as the other two guard her sides.

"The drive has a Level Six homing program, so as soon as we boot it up, S.H.I.E.L.D will know exactly where we are."

"So, how much time do we have?" Steve is looking around the store, making Alrina roll her eyes at how obvious the Captain was looking when they were supposed to be hiding.

"About nine minutes from... now." She plugs the flash drive into the side of the computer, starting to move her fingers over the keyboard. "Fury was right about the ship, someone is trying to hide something. This drive is protected by some sort of A.I, it keeps rewriting itself to counter my commands."

"Can you override it?" Alrina looks back to the screen, seeing Natasha trying to battle with the A.I.

"The person who developed this is slightly smarter than me. Slightly." Alrina rolls her eyes, but bumps Natasha out of the way, picking up where she left off, but quicker. Natasha looks at the blonde, offended that she just pushed her out of the way.
"What the hell, Rina?" Alrina ignores the woman, letting her eyes flick around the screen, easily combating the A.I.

"I'm going to run a tracer. Since it's a program that S.H.I.E.L.D developed to track hostile malware and we can't really get in to read the file, maybe we can find out where it comes from."

"Can I help you guys with anything?" Alrina ignores the store employee, knowing Natasha would jump in to not only let her keep working, but to make sure Steve refrains from stupid comments.

"Oh, no. My fiance was just looking up a few honeymoon destinations." Natasha lays her hand on Alrina's shoulder and the blonde looks over her shoulder to send the employee a smile.

"Congratulations, where are you guys thinking about going?" Natasha leans over the blonde's shoulder before looking back to the employee with a fake smile. "New Jersey." "Oh." The employee looks towards Steve, who Alrina could have swore Natasha introduced as her brother.

"I have the exact same glasses." Alrina rolls her eyes at the comments, trying to finish on the laptop as quickly as possible.

"Wow, you two are practically twins." Natasha pinches the woman's side, who just pulls her side away, but never stops typing. The employee looks at Steve one more time before walking away, Steve looks between both women on edge.

"You said nine minutes, come on."

"Relax." A ping comes from the computer, drawing the other two Avengers attention. "You know it?"

"I used to, let's go." Steve pulls the flash drive from the laptop, leading the two former assassins out of the store. He starts looking over both of his shoulders, obviously on edge and slightly panicking.

"Standard tac-team. Two behind, two across, two coming straight at us. If they make us, I'll engage, you both hit the escalator to the metro." Alrina rolls her eyes as she places her arm around Natasha's shoulder, leaning in to hide her face.

"Shut up and put your arm around me, laugh at something I said."


"Steve, do it!" Steve immediately listens to the other blonde, wrapping his arm around Natasha and all three start laughing at a fake punchline. When they are almost home free, both spies notice Rumlow coming up the opposite escalator. Natasha turns to Steve, fully serious and not to be taken lightly.

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