Meeting the Family

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"Would either of you finally care to tell me why we're in the middle of fuck nowhere instead of driving back to D.C?"

Alrina had made it her mission after sitting in the backseat of the car to be as verbally irritating as she could. She was stretched out over the seats, making claim to them as her home on the road while the two agents up front would swap seats every few hours during the drive. She didn't know if it was because of her personal mission, or if the two just enjoyed annoying her as much as she did them, but they kept very tight lipped about their destination since leaving Central Park.

"We're almost there, Rina." Natasha didn't even attempt to console the other woman, repeating the same phrase for the last hour.

"You realize you have said that to me for two hours at least, Talia? I never thought you would lie to me..." Dramatics were something Alrina had also started to adapt to in her new backseat home.

Clint pulls the car into a long, hidden driveway catching Alrina's attention immediately. She sits up in the backseat, making sure to angle her body to not bump her injured arm and looks around the empty field they seemed to have dragged her to.

"You know, if you wanted me dead you could have just told me. You two didn't need to drive all the way out into nowhere for it, I actually know a place-''''Rina, shut up."

Alrina looks at the redhead in mock astonishment, but keeps her mouth shut anyway. She knows being annoying to Natasha was like walking a very thin line, if she crossed it too soon the redhead would not hesitate to jump into the backseat and shut her up herself. How does she know this? She might have already done it when they left New York as a warning, which apparently Alrina completely ignored.

It's not until they drive through a set of trees that Alrina notices one lone house in the large field with a barn not too far away. She's very confused when Clint stops the car outside of the house and gets out, Natasha follows without a second thought, not even bothering to check her surroundings like they were taught. Skeptical, Alrina follows the pair and opens the car door to get out. She looks around the large farm, trying to take in escape routes and places that someone could creep up on her unannounced, but as she rounds the car she jumps at the slamming of the front door.


Alrina snaps her gaze to Natasha who makes her way to stand next to the blonde, just seeing a subtle smirk on the corner of her mouth. Instead, she looks back to the archer who is being bombarded by two little bodies.

"Dad? He made spawns?" Natasha elbows her in the side to keep quiet.

Clint scoops up his daughter as his son stands to his side having a silent conversation, but the small silence between the assassins is cut off when the little girl lets out one more loud proclamation.

"Did you bring Auntie Nat?" Alrina is floored, looking back at her childhood best friend who she has never seen smile that wide or genuine. Clint nudges his daughter to look over towards the pair by the car and she wiggles out his arms to sprint over to the redhead.

The blondes look at each other, Clint having a smug grin on his face Alrina just feels the urge to smack off. Before she gets the chance to question the man, another woman comes out of the house and the little girl now in Natasha's arms is hiding in her hold, eying the other agent.

"Auntie Nat, who's that?" Both former assassins look at the shy little girl.

"That is Rina, Lila." The little girl, Lila, looks up at the redhead with a smile.

"That's Rina?" Alrina is confused, not knowing that Natasha has told the small child anything about her. Lila wiggles out of Natasha's arms to be put down, but all she does is turn her attention to the blonde next to her. She stands in front of the woman with a curious look on her face, making the taller woman turn her head to the side with a small smile on her face.

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