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After hiding out inside of the ventilation shaft for a few hours, even taking a small nap that she probably should have foregone due to possibly having a concussion, the trio found themselves at a random gas station. Alrina made a beeline for the snacks, realizing she hasn't eaten in hours and if she didn't soon she would not be someone fun to be around. Natasha however looked towards the first aid supplies to treat the wound on her girlfriend's head, her sister following like a puppy behind her.

"The Red Room is still active. Where is it?"

"I have no idea, he moves location constantly." Alrina nods at the information, looking up from her actions to input her own words to the air.

"Every widow is sedated on entry and exit for maximum security."

"Even the top of the class?" Yelena looks suspiciously at the blonde in front of the snacks, who scoffs at the subtle accusation.

"Even me, Bell." Natasha shakes her head at the information, grabbing a small pack of gauze and a disinfectant before leading the two towards the register.

"I just can't believe that he could stay off of my radar."

Both blondes chuckle lightly, catching the redheads attention. "Well, it's not smart to attack an Avenger." Alrina nods as Yelena continues, "I mean, the clue is in the name itself. Dreykov kills you, one of the big ones comes to avenge you, or Rina."

"What is that supposed to mean? 'Or Rina'? I would be at the top of the list!" Both sisters ignore the small outburst as Natasha looks at her sister slightly confused.

"Wait, what are the big ones?"

"Well, I doubt the god from space has to take an ibuprofen after a fight." Alrina chuckles as she places her snacks on the counter followed by Natasha placing the medical supplies next to them.

"Where did you two think I was all this time?" Alrina freezes with her hand in her pocket for her wallet, Natasha notices and takes the heat instead.

"I thought that you had gotten out and were living a normal life." Alrina could practically hear Yelena's eyes roll to the back of her head.

"And you just never made contact again? Either of you?" Alrina looks up from her shoes with a hint of sadness peaking through the indifferent mask she chose to wear.

"Honestly? I didn't think you'd want to see me." Natasha nods next to her girlfriend, handing the cashier money as she turns away to avoid her sister's gaze.

Yelena scoffs, looking between the two women, "Bullshit. You just didn't want your baby sister and your ward to tag along, whilst you saved the world with the cool kids."

Alrina goes to comment about her being 'her ward' before Natasha cuts her off quickly with no emotion in her voice. "You weren't really my sister." Alrina snaps her gaze to her girlfriend, eye wide with the cutting words she chose to use against someone who could be the closest thing she could ever have to a real family.

Yelena however, was just as quick. "And the Avengers aren't really your family." The silence afterwards makes Alrina step subtly away from the two women, making her way closer to the door of the small room. Glancing between the two, it was obvious they weren't blood related, but when either of them opened their mouth it was clear they grew up together even went through hell together. They may not have been blood, but Alrina could see the two were sisters, apparently easier than her own girlfriend could. 

"Why do you always do that thing?" Alrina looks up from her position near the door as the blonde looks towards her sister. Natasha turns her head over her shoulder, sparing a glance at the woman before grabbing the spare money the cashier hands her. "Do what?"

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