Eyes on Nat

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Alrina couldn't help the amount of anxious energy that was seeping from her body the farther the jet got from Natasha. Tony, as dense as the man is, could feel it from his seat behind the controls and knew not to start a conversation with the woman. After her nightmare, she didn't ever want to be far from her friends, especially Natasha, just in case. She would never forgive herself if something happened to any of them and there was nothing she could have done to stop it.

"Reen, we're here." The blonde snaps out of her thoughts, seeing Tony stand at the exit of the jet waiting for her. As they both exit the jet, they're met with two workers, not even bothering to listen to the introductions, just walking past them to get inside. They're led to what appears to be a server room, Tony motioning to the other computer across from the one he chose to occupy.

"A hacker that's faster than Ultron?" Alrina starts typing in commands on her computer, watching the different symbols appear on the monitor as she types.

"He could be anywhere and as this is the center of everything..." Alrina looks up from her work, locking eyes with the intelligent man. "We're looking for a needle in the world's largest haystack."

Tony bends his body over his own monitor, beginning to type just as fast as the woman behind him. Neither even spare the two workers a glance as they look between the two behind the computers.

"How do you find it?" Alrina smiles at the question, typing faster as a small chuckle comes from her friend in front of the room.

"Pretty simple, you bring a magnet." The blonde stands up straighter, shaking her head back and forth in a teasing matter, a smile obvious on her face. "Oh no... We're decrypting nuclear codes and you don't want us to come and get us." Tony spares a laugh at the singsong tone of his friend, both speeding up the process to drag whoever was helping them to the surface.

The two workers looked between the pair, confused how this could have been so entertaining with what was on the line. Once they both leave the room, it's as though two light bulbs light up the entire room, Tony even slamming his hands next to the keyboard.

"Well, son of a bitch."

"Took the words right out of my mouth."


Alrina found herself hunched over a monitor screen again when Clint came back, the Cradle behind him. She does a double-take at the man, first not registering that he's actually back, but then noticing her redhead wasn't with him. She slows her fingers down on the keyboard in front of her as the expression on one of her closest friends dropped.

"Clint?" He shakes his head, walking past her to place the Cradle in the middle of the room. Tony and Bruce start running around the room, trying to scan the Cradle to see exactly what it is. Alrina couldn't take her eyes off of Barton, she knew something was wrong and he just didn't want to tell her.

"Anything on Nat?" She snaps her gaze to the question that came from the doctor before looking right back at Clint. He can't look at his friend, almost acting as though she wasn't even present in the room.

"Haven't heard, but she's alive or Ultron would be rubbing our faces in it."

"That's really the only consolation?" All three men look away from the woman, knowing she was a ticking time bomb until someone gave her something about Natasha. "A robot, you made Stark, not rubbing her corpse in our faces, is the only hope that I have? The only hope is that MY NATASHA isn't dead!?"

The crashing of the monitor and keyboard that was in front of her hitting the ground makes the three men jump. She storms out of the room, going downstairs to be alone and trying to find Natasha herself. Alrina couldn't look up as Clint came down the stairs shortly after her, she was too focused on the task in front of her. She was even tempted to shake off the hand he placed on her shoulder to bring her comfort, but she just let him be.

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