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"Wait, you want me to join what now? Listen, Captain Hook, I'm all for being a team player, hell I watch baseball sometimes, but I don't think you have a room big enough for all of those egos."

Sitting in a small meeting room during a perfectly good Spring evening should have been a crime, but finally getting S.H.I.E.L.D off of her back was Alrina's first personal mission. Clint took the exit to go home as soon as it was offered, leaving the two former assassins alone in the small room with Nick Fury.

The conversation started how one would think, no introductions necessary, but instead Alrina was handed a file that Natasha has seen twice in her life. The second Alrina Boldyreva saw the words 'Avengers Initiative' she was not only prepared to run out of the door behind her, but confused as to why. She has no place in this world, so why would one of the most secretive agencies in the world believe she is the right choice for this group?

They have a literal super soldier who represented all of America, why on Earth would they try to offer this to a Russian spy?

"First, Ms. Boldyreva, I wanted to offer a place here at S.H.I.E.L.D."


"You not only would be a great asset to have, but I believe having you and Ms. Romanoff working on an upcoming case would be beneficial."

Shaking her head, heavily confused, Alrina looks between the other Russian the the man with one eye,

"Not only are you giving me this file for joining your little... 'groupie', thing, you want me to work with Natalia?"

"Well, you two did grow up together, did you not? I assumed that it would make the mission run more smoothly if you both took care of it."

The two Russians look at each other, one confused as to how he knows that the two know each other and the other accusatory assuming that she told him the first second she got. Scoffing, the blonde refused to acknowledge the redhead any longer, seeing as she thought secrets between former best friends were no longer as sacred as she believed.

"What is in it for me Nick? You offer me a job, want me to join your superhero group with no real knowledge if I am a team player and won't just kill your entire team for sport. So, what is to keep me from doing it?"

While Fury became slightly on edge at the blonde's words, Natasha just rolled her eyes and leaned back in her own chair. Alrina was always one for theatrics, not letting where they grew up take that bit of her personality from her. She knew that the blonde wouldn't turn down the offer for something greater, the two Russians always being like two peas in a pod, or as much as they could be with constant monitoring. Where one went, the other was not that far behind, fully prepared to defend the other no matter the consequences.

"We don't throw you in a highly secure facility, that is what's in it for you Ms. Boldyreva."

"You're not going to throw me in jail. Putting me there is almost as bad as throwing Natalia in there with me, which I know you would never do. You need me, Nicholas, whether you want to admit it or not, you need all of the help you can get."

The blonde throws the paperwork back into the manila folder before tossing the entire thing back towards the head of the table. Fury catches the folder before it has the chance to fall to the floor, taking a glance towards the redhead who has been quiet just observing the whole encounter. Standing up, Alrina makes her way towards the door, stopping as she opens it.

"But, I will humor you, Fury. You know where I live and I assume you also know how to reach me when you need me. So, just give me a call when you actually need me, not just for babysitting."

With the parting words, Alrina Boldyreva walks out, slamming the door behind her, leaving the leader of S.H.I.E.L.D and her former best friend behind. Fully prepared for a pointless phone call sometime in the near future.


Predicting the future should have really been the upgrade that HYDRA gave Alrina Boldyreva, because just as she thought she received a phone call a little over a month later. While Nicholas Fury told Alrina that she was to accompany Natasha Romanoff, a name she was still trying to learn, he let her off the hook. Instead, she was being sent to Harlem to check on an issue that most believed to be pointless, but Fury saw something that would help his boy band.

At the end of May, the air was slowly becoming more humid, but actually being a S.H.I.E.L.D agent meant the blonde was stuck wearing a uniform. Walking through the destroyed streets of Harlem in seventy degree weather in an all black uniform was the worst idea Alrina had probably ever had. That or she was really exaggerating and wanted something to complain about.

"Okay wait, let me get this straight. You saw two... green aliens fighting through the streets of Harlem?"

"That's what I've been trying to tell you! They weren't aliens, sure they looked like them, but they also had these human features, ya know?"

Nodding, Alrina turned sideways to continue to access the damage. The fires were finally put out, but the damages to not only the buildings but the road and cars themselves would take longer to fix. Smiling at the witness in thanks, she notices a more official looking man at the other end of the road, looking as though he was completely tired of answering nonsensical questions. She decided that would be the perfect time to jump into a set of questions of her own before he disappeared to never be asked again.


The man turns to her shout, but quickly just rolls his eyes and speeds up his escape. Before he has the chance to get into his car, she closes the door and leans against it. With a smile, she folds her arms across her chest and scans the uniform he is wearing.

"General, it is such a good thing I caught you."

"I am very busy, get out of my way."

"Sure thing sir, but first I have some questions if you would be kind enough to answer them."

He nudges her out of the way, going to open his door without even acknowledging that she is still there.

"I don't have time for any more questions from more news outlets. So please, if you would-"

Placing her hand on the driver's side door, she sends him the fakest smile she could manage, "Not even a few questions for S.H.I.E.L.D?"

He finally turns around and scans the woman in front of him before sighing heavily and shutting the door. Making his way around to the trunk which he opens, he pulls out two files, one larger than the other and hands her both. Looking at the names on both files, one saying 'DECEASED' while the other is M.I.A doesn't seem to help her in the slightest, but as he closes the trunk and gets back into his car she has no more complaints. Rolling down his window he throws out a few words of telling Fury to leave him alone before speeding off down the road.

Flipping open the larger folder and walking down the destroyed sidewalk, Alrina Boldyreva is greeted with the name Bruce Banner or The Hulk, knowing that Fury just sent her to Harlem for more recruitment for his version of Earth's Mightiest Heroes. 

Small A/N(?)

So, I thought I'd throw a little bit of Alrina being sent to Harlem at the end of The Incredible Hulk, cause with all of the Avengers books I've read I have never seen anyone throw it in. Probably cause it's a rough watch... but still I thought I'd make her go there while the best friends are doing the other two movies in the same time frame. That way each one experienced a little bit of something different. I decided to throw out two updates, catch all of us up and into Avengers and get rid of my class anxiety at the same time... Anyway, have a good day (:

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