The Tesseract

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"How bad is it?"

Standing outside of a panicking facility, Alrina Boldyreva and Phil Coulson have been waiting for Nick Fury and Maria Hill's arrival. Once the piece of space technology turned on without the head of the project in the room, evacuation was called and the Director was informed. The four turn around and begin the trek into the volatile building, Fury and Coulson leading the way, Maria slightly behind to listen to the conversation and Alrina pulling up the rear.

"That's the problem sir, we don't know."

The agents inside the building are carrying crates and avoiding the four, scurrying as quickly as possible to leave the building with the important projects. Once the three in front stop, Alrina decides to tune back into the conversation.

"Campus should be clear in the next half hour."

"Do better." Coulson turns to leave the three with his orders, but with no orders of her own Alrina continues to follow the director.

"Boldyreva, you and Hill make sure Phase 2 weapons are shipped out."

Stopping next to Maria with her hands clasped behind her back, Alrina is confused. Before she can ask, Hill beats her to the punch.

"Sir, is that really a priority right now?"

Turning to the two, he says, "Until such a time the world ends, we will act as though it intends to spin on. Clear out the tech below. Every piece of Phase 2 tech on a truck and gone."

The two nod continuing down the hallway as the one eyed man enters the facility with the alien object. Refusing to look back, Alrina can just hope the one small friend she has made in the little amount of time she's been with S.H.I.E.L.D will make it out of the facility before it's too late. Not just for her own sanity, but she knows Tali would kill her if anything happened to her best friend. 


"Who's that?"

Looking up from the task of putting cases into the back of a truck, Alrina notices Clint walking out of the building with multiple S.H.I.E.L.D personnel and Slevig. The stranger accompanying them is what makes her stop what she's doing and move to stand next to Hill.

"He didn't tell me."

Boldyreva and Hill look at each other suspiciously as the group gets into the truck Alrina was just filling with cases. As Hill turns to her own task and Alrina shrugs to start filling another truck, Maria's walkie talkie starts making noise.

"Hill, do you copy?"

The atmosphere immediately changes from relaxed to tense as Barton and his companion turn to the two women. Hill freezes with her hand next to her holstered weapon, Alrina however makes her way to the opposite side of another truck, waiting for the pin to drop as she subtly pulls out her own weapon at her side.

"Barton is..."

That is all the words the Director needs to say before there's a gunfight right outside the facility. Hills starts shooting, but Barton was already prepared with his weapon out like Alrina. Taking cover behind the truck, she starts joining in the shooting, trying to aim for Barton's leg before he ducks into the other vehicle and drives away. As the two continue shooting, the Director comes back through both of their walkie talkies this time, forcing them to move.

"He has the Tesseract, track it down!"

Hill jumps into the truck behind the steering wheel as Alrina slips into the passenger side at the same time. As the two speed up to catch up to the truck filled with turned agents, the shooting continues. Smart enough to not lean out of the truck to get shot, Alrina does the shooting from inside as Maria focuses on getting as close to the opposition as possible. The additional vehicles pulling up to help seemed to be a good idea, until the stranger with Barton begins shooting at them with what only Alrina can describe as pure energy.

With just the duo being the last truck standing, Hill floors the acceleration, pulling up to the side of the other truck. The slamming of both vehicles forces Alrina to drop her gun, but Hill pays no attention to it, forcing herself in front of Barton's truck. Spinning the car into a total 180 degrees to drive reverse, the two agents are face to face with the turned Barton. Not wasting a second, Barton begins firing at the truck, making Alrina duck to find her own weapon. Both women decide their only option is to return fire, but Barton takes advantage of the driver taking her hand off of the wheel.

Ramming the front of their truck into the two agents causes their truck to spin out and put them back behind his own vehicle. Feeling what she assumes is an earthquake, Alrina looks out of the passenger window noticing that the tunnel is beginning to collapse around them. Slamming on the brakes keeps the two agents from being buried underneath piles of rock, but lets the truck of compromised agents get away. The women get out of the totaled truck, the Russian kicking the passenger side door in frustration and putting her hands on her head.

"A lot of men still under, don't know how many are still alive."

Alrina makes her way to the driver's side of the truck, leaning against the side as Hill calls to check in with the Director.

"Sound the general call. I want every living soul not working rescue to look for that brief case."

"Roger that." Hill slips her walkie talkie back into one of her many pockets and leans against the truck with Alrina. Being trapped under the rock gives the two too much time to just wait for rescue, but enough of a signal to listen to the Director make a choice that Alrina was not ready for.

"Coulson, get back to base. This is a Level Seven. As of right now, we're at war."

"What do we do?"

Leaning her head back on the roof of the truck, the groan that comes from the Russians mouth makes Hill look at her with slight humor. The words to accompany them only solidifies what is going on, but of course in Alrina Boldyreva fashion.

"Talia is going to kill me."

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