Fort Meade

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Natasha was practically carrying Alrina between houses, following Steve to a place he claimed was safe. The blonde had her arm wrapped around the redheads shoulder, feeling guilty for the amount of strain she was probably causing her to have, but she had no other choice. Steve carried her until she woke up from the explosion, putting her down when she claimed she was alright. Natasha saw right through her, wrapping her arm around the blonde's waist as soon as the Captain turned away for support.

The two women are forced to a stop when Steve leads them to a backdoor of a house, knocking while looking around for any prying eyes. Alrina looks up from her feet, making sure that she won't trip over anything while walking, to see the same man from the morning of the boat mission.

"Hey, man." He glances between the three, before looking back at the other man.

"I'm sorry about this, we need a place to lay low." Natasha adjusts her hold on Alrina, starting to get tired of holding her weight and her own.

"Everyone we know is trying to kill us."

"Not everyone." The man stands to the side to let the group inside of his house, reaching out to take the blonde woman's weight from the redhead, seeing her start to struggle. He leads the women to a separate room, sitting the blonde on the edge of a guest bed.

"Shower is through that door if you want to use it. Towels are under the sink and there's a first aid kit next to the toilet. You guys need anything, give me a shout." Natasha nods at the man in thanks, Alrina just flopping back onto the bed, exhausted.

It was about five minutes later when the redhead came out of the bathroom, towel drying her hair with one hand and carrying the first aid kit in the other. She sits next to the sleeping blonde, nudging her leg to wake her up.


"Sit up, let me see your face." Alrina sits up, looking at the redhead with sleep still present in her eyes. Natasha soaks a small piece of cotton in alcohol before swiping at the few cuts that littered the other woman's face. Before she got the chance to get up and throw the cotton ball away, Alrina grabbed her hand to keep her seated. The blonde grabs a new cotton ball, going through the same process of cleaning Natasha's face with the alcohol.

When she is done, Alrina grabs the ball in Natasha's hand with a small smile. "There's still some hot water right?" Natasha nods at the woman, returning the smile. "Alright, I'll be out in a minute. Don't miss me too much."

Five minutes later, Alrina shuts off the shower and gets dressed in her former clothes, drying her hair with a towel. Before she can open the door, she overhears the conversation between her redhead and the Captain.

"If it was down to Alrina or I to save your life, and you be honest, would you trust us to do it?" Alrina leans against the closed door, interested in what he would respond with.

"I would now." Alrina chooses that time to reenter the room, a teasing smile on her face aimed at the Captain as she runs the towel through her hair.

"You seem pretty chipper for someone who just learned they died for nothing." Steve shakes his head at the other blonde.

"Well, I guess I just like to know who I'm fighting." The trio is interrupted by the man, who Natasha told her was named Sam, appearing in the doorway.

"I made breakfast, if you guys eat that sort of thing." At the mention of food, Alrina tosses her towel onto the bed before forcing her way past Sam and into the kitchen. Completely ignoring the snickers that seem to follow her from the bedroom.

Alrina is on her third serving of breakfast, the other three sat around the table, the redhead failing to keep a smile off her face seeing Alrina so happy with just a plate of food in front of her.

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