Choosing a Side

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Most people would be relieved to be home, landing on the compound grounds and seeing Vision at the end of the opening of the jet just put a larger pit in Alrina's stomach. She was at the point where she was regretting choosing retirement and instead wished she chose to kick another government's ass instead. She sighs begrudgingly, leaving the jet with her ruined outfit from the Accords incident stuffed in a bag over her shoulder. She was glad she stole one of her girlfriends shirts and hid it on the jet for this exact reason, keeping the redhead close even though she sent Alrina to the wolves.

"Miss Boldyreva." The woman nods at Vision in acknowledgement, walking next to each other back into the compound as the jet takes off behind them, leaving the blonde behind.

"How is she, Vis?" They walk into the almost empty building, only walking past a worker that seemed to come only to fix something broken.

"She seems to be... upset." She scoffs at his diagnosis, knowing this whole situation was rough on her best friend. Alrina knew Wanda, and she knew that the little witch would be cooped up in her bedroom blaming this entire situation on herself. They both stop in the kitchen, Alrina throwing her bag into the living room on the couch.

"Well, I'm starving, so let's make the little witch some food, huh?" Vision nods, knowing he found a recipe that he believed would lift the other woman's spirits. Alrina notices him borderline flying through the kitchen, so she thought to leave him to his own devices. She occupies herself by sitting on a nearby stool and keeping her opinions on the spices he chooses to throw into the pot.

"A pinch of paprika... A pinch?" He looks to the woman across from him who is covering her mouth with a hand to hide her teasing smile, just nodding at the words he's reading off of the recipe.

"Is that paprikash?" Both people in the kitchen look over to the entrance from the hallway, seeing Wanda's confused face looking from the pot to them.

"I thought it might... lift your spirits." Alrina stays quiet as Wanda makes her way over to the pot on the stove across from her. As she lifts the spoon to taste the concoction inside, she spares a glance at the blonde, who lifted her hand away from her face long enough to give the witch a look that screamed 'do I need to call someone?'. The witch almost laughs at the look, but wipes the emotion off of her face and sends Vision a grateful smile instead.

"Spirits lifted."

"In my defense, I haven't ever... eaten anything before, so..." Alrina couldn't keep in her giggles at the confession.

"Vis, you could have asked for my help, you know that right?" He looks at the blonde woman, seeming to have forgotten for a second she was actually there as a form of support.

"May I?" Wanda chuckles at the small interaction, motioning towards the many spices laying on the counter.

"Please." Wanda starts looking through the ingredients, leaving the blonde on the stool to shake her head when she goes to grab the wrong one and Vision to pace around the kitchen. "Wanda?"

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