Then There Were Three

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New York, New York

April 13th, 2011

It has been well over a year with the constant observation of two S.H.I.E.L.D agents that one lonely Russian has started to move through multiple states to try and keep some form of privacy. The new destination? New York. One of the most populated cities in the United States, Alrina believed it would be easier to avoid the extra baggage she has seemed to claim. Little did she know, the two agents were starting to get desperate and Alrina chose one of the worst cities to hide away. With Natasha being informed she's being pulled away in a month to monitor Tony Stark for the Avengers Initiative, she knew Clint couldn't handle the mission alone.

It wasn't that she believed Clinton wasn't capable as an agent, he was her best friend, but she knew what her old friend was capable of. All the information that Clint knew came from a single file that Fury gave the partners over a year ago, while Natasha knew the woman since she first stepped into her own personal Hell many years ago. The duo thought the mission was never going to end, Clint almost giving up totally, until the target decided enough was enough one spring afternoon.

Alrina Boldyreva knew they bugged her apartment, she also knew they would just continue to do so if she decided to remove them. At first she had some fun with it, blasting death metal right next to one and even cloning herself to sneak out the back door one day. Not before blasting some porn throughout the apartment, letting whoever was subjected to monitor her to a wonderful audio experience for six hours.

She also knew they tapped the few cameras that she has throughout her apartment building, giving some of them the middle finger every time she walked past. The very obvious car constantly outside of her building was something she picked up on easily as well and that's what led her to the moment right now.

Knocking on the black sedan's passenger window was something she found herself doing a little after 2:00. The occupants thought she was still inside and she was, but that didn't mean she couldn't be right there as well. Sighing, the passenger rolled down the window revealing the short haired archer glaring up at her smirking face.


Clint looks over to the woman in the driver seat who has chosen to just lean against the door and observe the conversation. Audibly sighing, the man turns back to the woman outside,

"What are you doing?"

"I could be asking you the same thing, Robin. You do know I am fully aware that you have been here everyday from about 9am to around 11pm only to swap out with a group of guys who are terrible at their jobs. Not to mention I know every other thing you have done to my building and apartment."

He glances over towards the assassin behind the wheel, who is leaning back with a stoic face giving nothing away. The two may have been working together for a few years, but her little help in certain situations has always driven him crazy. Alrina knocks on the window again to regain his attention,

"Why don't you come inside for a drink?"

The invitation makes Natasha sit up slightly in her seat, knowing the invitation was anything but. Clint reaching into the crevice between the seats for a weapon just makes the woman outside smile and let a small chuckle cross her lips.

"You see, bird brain," another knock against the driver's window makes the redhead divert her attention outside her own window, making eye contact with the blonde, "it wasn't really an option."

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