Lost at Sea

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For the past year, one Alrina Boldyreva has been pining over Natasha Romanoff, and the woman is completely aware of it. Their moment last year at the Barton Farm just solidified what the blonde felt for the redhead, but she had no idea to what extent until Natasha came back to the farm with a few scrapes and bruises from a mission. Alrina just about lost her mind, fully prepared to walk to Europe and make sure whoever touched her redhead would not be alive to do it again. So she was understandably on edge when she and Natasha were told to pick up Steve for another mission, one that she was lucky enough to tag along on.

Alrina leans over to see Natasha texting the Captain, but snickers before she could click send.

"So serious, Talia. Put a smiley face in there for good measure." Natasha rolls her eyes at the blonde's antics, but listens anyway. The car pulls up to the curb next to the Captain, but he has company.

Alrina leans out of the now open window with a teasing smirk aimed at the Captain. "Hey fellas." Natasha catches onto the teasing, leaning around the other woman looking between the two men.

"Either of you know where the Smithsonian is? We're here to pick up a fossil."

"That's hilarious." As Steve walks over to the car, he climbs in the backseat, rolling down his own window. Alrina slips back inside of the car, sharing a smile with Natasha at their tag team humor at the Captain. The man outside the car glances inside the still rolled down window, looking at Natasha with a smile.

"How are you doing?" Natasha sends him a smile, which Alrina picks up on quickly, spinning around to glare at the man.

"Hey." "No. No 'hey'." Alrina points at Natasha, who just smirks at the blonde knowing she's getting jealous. Something Natasha always loved that she could pull from the other woman.

"Can't run everywhere." The man outside looks appreciatively at the exterior of the car before looking back at Natasha with a smile. "No, you can't"

Alrina rolls up her window with a glare at the man, not even bothering to hear the snickering coming from the driver's seat. She folds her arms across her chest with a pout, confusing the Captain in the backseat, but actually causes the redhead to let out a laugh at her actions.


Alrina slips her weapon into the holster on her hip, adjusting the knife attached to her thigh quickly afterwards, refusing to even listen to Rumlow spit off the mission objective. When Cap starts speaking, she makes her way over to stand next to the Avengers duo, actually listening to the conversation.

"Alright, I'm going to sweep the deck and find Batroc. Nat and Alrina, you'll kill the engines and wait for instructions. Rumlow, you sweep the aft, find the hostages, get them to the life-pods, get 'em out. Let's move."

The three move closer to the slowly opening back of the jet, Steve messing with his communicator on his wrist. "Secure channel seven."

Both women stand on opposite sides of the Captain, Alrina fully prepared to stay quiet until the drop, knowing that Steve was not going to be happy with them by the end of this mission.

"Seven secure. Did you do anything fun Saturday night?" Alrina didn't know that she was speaking to the Captain, being too focused fidgeting with her knife on her thigh.

"Went on a date."

"Well all of the guys from my barbershop quartet are dead, so no. Not really"

Natasha snaps her gaze to the blonde woman, who now realizes she was not asking her the question. She glares at Alrina, who slightly cowers underneath the gaze, choosing to focus her attention to the outside of the jet and not the angry Russian two feet away from her.

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