Sisterly Bonding

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"So let me get this straight." Alrina looks around the emptying train as it stops at the stop before they're meant to get off before sitting back. "You're telling me that family you had in Ohio, the sister, sent you those vials that almost got us both killed?"

Natasha nods, folding her arms across her chest as the train starts moving again when the passengers are all comfortable. Alrina softly groans, playing with the strings of the hoodie she stole from her girlfriend's luggage. Before Alrina has a chance to ask anymore questions, the train stops again and Natasha is springing to her feet and out of the train. Jogging to keep up, she bumps her shoulder against the redhead who is leading them through the large crowd.

Alrina stops slightly when Natasha cuts around a corner to a larger apartment building to take in the quiet. She quickly follows behind, following closely up the stairs and watching as Natasha pries open a vent.

"So, what exactly is the plan here?" Natasha checks the magazine inside the handgun, slipping it in her waistband as she stands back up. Alrina almost feels naked, only having a small pocket knife in her hoodie pocket while the woman across from her has their only form of range. Natasha spares a small glance at the blonde before turning and walking up towards a door.

"Stay out here, I haven't seen her in years. Who knows what she's capable of." Alrina kicks a foot up to lean against the wall next to the apartment door as Natasha crouches down to pick the lock. A teasing smirk plays on her lips, but before she can tease her girlfriend a pronounced Russian accent comes from inside.

"I know you're out there." The two share a look, the blonde shrugging as to say it wasn't her.

"I know you know I'm out here." Alrina rolls her eyes at the pitiful back and forth.

"Then why are you skulking around like it's a minefield?" Natasha opens the door, pulling her weapon to the ready as she checks each corner. Alrina pokes her head in the doorway, listening to her girlfriend to stay out of it, but wanting to watch anyway.

"'Cause I don't know if I can trust you."

"Funny, I was going to say the same thing." As Natasha slowly creeps deeper into the apartment, Alrina slides inside and shuts the door behind her.

"So, we gonna talk like grown-ups?" Natasha swings around a corner and freezes, making Alrina assume she's found the person she was looking for.

"Is that what we are?" Alrina softly chuckles, shrugging at herself. "Well.." Natasha spares a solid glare down the hallway towards the blonde, who jumps at the glance and hides around a corner out of sight.

"Put it down before I make you."

"You put yours down." Alrina pokes her head around the corner, seeing the hallway empty, but knowing better than to move just yet.

"Watch your step."

The apartment gets quiet, but as soon as Alrina thinks it's safe to move, crashing echoes through the small area. She didn't need to be confused since the small corner she ducked in is right across the doorway to the kitchen. Giving her a direct eyeline to the two sisters throwing each other around. It isn't until she sees the other blonde pick up a knife that she walks into the scene.

"Stop." Natasha is quick to disarm the younger woman and doesn't fail to see the older one walk into the kitchen. She waves her off as she rips down a curtain and tries to choke the younger blonde. Alrina sighs in boredom, looking around the kitchen for something of substance. Seeing a shot glass on the small table, she opens the fridge to find a glass of vodka.

"Джекпот" She pulls a wooden chair out from the table, taking a seat as the two sisters roll around on the ground. She pours herself a shot, glancing up at her girlfriend as she lets go of the curtain.

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