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"Alright, what do you see?"

The team was separated, some closer than others, but the mission called for a sufficient amount of recon, which needed eyes everywhere. Steve was hiding in a building, peeking down at the busy street through a curtain and Sam occupied a rooftop nearby. Natasha and Wanda hid themselves in the crowd, sitting down at a nearby café for tea and coffee. Sam couldn't take his eyes off of his friend Redwing flying freely over the environment, not particularly happy that it was out of his control.

"Standard beat cops, small station, quiet street. It's a good target." Wanda stirs a bit of sugar into her cup of tea, subtly looking at the people around the outdoor area.

"There's an ATM in the south corner-"


"Both cross streets are one way." Steve pulls the curtain to the side to see if any other movement has occurred on the street.

"So, compromised escape routes."

"Means our guy doesn't care about being seen, he isn't afraid to make a mess on the way out. You see that Range Rover halfway up the block?"

"Yeah, the red one? It's cute." A chuckle comes through the com system.

"It's also bulletproof, which means private security, which means more guns, which means more headaches for somebody. Probably us." Wanda looks over her shoulder quickly to see the redhead sitting nearby, giving her a little bit of comfort.

"You guys know I can move stuff with my mind right?" Wanda takes a sip of her tea.

"Looking over your shoulder needs to become second nature."

"Anybody ever told you you're a little paranoid?"

"Not without bodily harm, Wilson." Natasha wished the voice was sitting across from her, wanting more than anything to kick them for the comment.

"Eyes on target folks. This is the best lead we've had on Rumlow in six months, I don't want to lose him."

"If he sees us coming that won't be a problem. He kind of hates us." Both Sam and Steve notice a garbage truck pushing through the streets, not regarding any civilians in its path.

"Hey, that garbage truck, tag it."

"On it." Redwing flies through the buildings, avoiding being spotted by any civilians. As it flies underneath the truck, Sam pushes a button for an X-ray, getting a grumble due to the action over the coms.

"I could have done that." Sam ignores the comment. "The truck is loaded for max weight."

"It's a battering ram."

"Go now." Redwing almost collapses, but Sam calls it back in time to get control.


"He's not hitting the police." Due to those words, everyone jumps from their positions, running as quickly as they can to the direction of the truck. Steve arrives first, taking out a few guards before making his way after Rumlow.

"Body armor, AR-15s. I make seven hostiles." The two flying Avengers are the next on the scene, Sam landing onto the rooftop in order to take out the soldiers aiming at the Captain on the ground.

"I make 5." Wanda flies over Sam, landing on the ground to block the gunfire. She picks one soldier up, throwing him towards Sam. "Sam."

Sam flies down from the roof, close-lining the soldier with his wings. "Four." Redwing, now back under Sam's control, flies by, scanning the building to help the Captain find the target.

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