Civil War

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If anyone could see through Alrina Boldyreva, it was her girlfriend. She was informed of what was about to happen, but Alrina knew she would rather be there as a friend then not there at all. Faking a few scrapes and bruises was something Alrina was used to, growing up in the Red Room, you had to be able to pretend to succeed in a mission. The only downside was, running into someone else with the same upbringing because they could see right through it.

Natasha grabbed Alrina by the wrist and pulled her to a quiet corner of the jet when she first saw her, double and triple checking if no one could hear them.

"You let them go." Alrina glared at the woman, checking around herself for any listening ears, before sighing, knowing she wasn't getting out of this.

"Yeah, yeah I did." Alrina expected yelling, maybe even to clip over the back of the head, but when neither of those happened, she was confused. She looked at her girlfriend, who almost looked understanding. "What?"

"You think something bigger is going on." It wasn't a question, Alrina knew that, but she also knew Natasha could read her like a book.

"They're family, Talia. Retired or not, you of all people know Clint wouldn't ditch his family unless it was something serious. He finally gets to be home with Laura and the kids, why would he get up and leave?" Natasha knew she had a point, Clint always wanted to just retire to be with his family. Now that he had that out, why would he jump right back in?

"Something else is going on, Tony is just too stubborn to realize that. Now he's dragging all of us into this."

"This is going to lead to a fight." Alrina nods and shrugs, knowing the redhead is right. She places her hands on her hips, looking down in thought, but Natasha knows the internal struggle she's going through.

"You're not fighting." Alrina opens her mouth to deny it, but she's cut off. "No, this is the only family we have, Rina."

"Talia, I'm not going to stand on the sidelines and let everyone kill each other. I don't agree with how Steve is going about that and I don't agree with Tony trusting the government. This isn't about saving that family anymore, it's about saving ourselves."

"So, what? Every man for themselves, Rina?" She shakes her head, placing her hands on the redheads shoulders as the jet touches down at the airport.

"You and me, Talia. I'm with you. Always." The two share a look before Tony corrals them off of the jet, effectively splitting them apart. Alrina chooses to hide behind a crate, knowing she had to find them an out, Natasha wasn't comfortable in this situation just as much as Alrina. A commotion behind her pulls her from her thoughts, sparing a glance at the hidden redhead next to her.

"Wow, it's so weird how you run into people at the airport. Don't you think that's weird?"

"Definitely weird."

"Hear me out, Tony. That doctor, the psychiatrist, he's behind all of this." Natasha and Alrina share a glance, the blonde with an 'I told you so' look. A thump makes her look around the crate to see a man dressed in a cat costume.

"Your highness."

"Anyway, Ross gave me 36 hours to bring you in, that way 24 hours ago. Can you help a brother out?"

"You're after the wrong guy."

"Your judgment is askew, your old war buddy killed innocent people yesterday."

"And there are five more super soldiers just like him. I can't let the doctor find them first, Tony." Alrina knew there was something larger at play, and knowing there were five more people just like her old trainer brought a chill down her spine. She knew one was bad, but more of them would be horrible. Natasha walks past her, grabbing her attention and causing her to rise as well.

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