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With a background as extensive as Alrina Boldyreva, from Red Room graduate to HYDRA experiment, you would believe the woman was excellent at staying on her feet. Now, she just thought something was messed up in her brain, it was something her mother always told her, so letting HYDRA do their experiments was believed to take that flaw away entirely. Instead, Alrina Boldyreva, a Black Widow assassin and someone who was wanted in multiple countries, was a complete klutz.

Natasha was stuck under a piece of broken metal from the explosion with a transforming Banner not too far away, but the ultimate question was where was Alrina. The simple answer? Hanging out.

"I'm okay." Natasha looks up at Bruce in a panic, still looking around for her childhood friend. "We're okay, right?"  A groan, almost completely inaudible, came from above the redhead drawing her attention from the struggling man for long enough to finally find her friend.


The blonde blinks open her eyes, nursing a headache from the blast and from the blood rushing to her head. When she looks around, she notices easily that everything is upside down, but one look towards her legs lets her know that getting down will hurt like hell.

"Are you okay?" Alrina looks back down at the flipped redhead, taking notice of the predicament they're in and knowing she has to get down before this becomes a different kind of bloodbath. "Oh, ya know Talia, just... hanging around."

Alrina pulls her body weight up enough to reach a knife stuck inside of her boot before falling back down to hang, exhausted. The grunting of Banner makes her move quicker, but Natasha is still struggling with her own escape trying to talk the doctor down.

"Doctor.. Bruce, you gotta fight it." Natasha's own small grunts to remove the metal holding her in place mixes with the transforming doctor. "This is just what Loki wants, but we're going to be okay. Listen to me."

Two agents come running into the room and both assassins wave them off before they're added to the equation. Alrina, knowing where all of this is going, lets one clone appear next to Natasha, helping her enough to get her leg freed. As Natasha gets up, she keeps her focus on the doctor, while Alrina is leaning back up to attempt to cut herself free.

"We're going to be okay, right? I swear on my life I will get you out of this, you will walk away and never- ''''Your life?!"

As another explosion rocks the entire Helicarrier enough to drown out the full transformation of Banner into Hulk, Alrina falls from her upside-down perch right onto her shoulder. Without getting a chance to recuperate, Natasha pulls her up without looking at her, but Alrina already knows what the look means.

A loud roar makes the two start running, Natasha leading the way while Alrina is pretty sure she dislocated her ankle due to how she landed along with a severely bruised shoulder. Each Widow takes different routes to escape, Natasha ducking underneath pipes while Alrina chooses to jump through everything. They both come crashing to the floor when The Hulk rips the floor out from underneath them, but the two continue to run, just pissing off the green giant more.

Thinking the two found a suitable place to hide, they both seem to stop breathing at the same time to listen for any sounds. The pair looked at each other at the same time, knowing that if they stayed where they were, they were sitting ducks. Natasha leads them down another catwalk while Alrina pulls out her gun to cover behind them, which was a good call when The Hulk appears behind them. Shooting a pipe was the best idea Alrina could come up with, causing hot steam to blow directly into his face as the women took off running.

The two know they can't run forever and the ankle problem seems to catch up with both of them as Natasha slows down to not leave Alrina's side. Noticing the Hulk closing in, Alrina makes a split second decision. As he raises his hand to hit the two women as though they were flies, the blonde lunges forward to wrap herself around the redhead, taking the brunt of the attack.

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