Battle of Sokovia

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"All they want is to live their lives in peace, and that's not going to happen today, but we can do our best to protect them" Thor drops Alrina off inside of the Hydra base before flying away to help with the city evacuation. "We can get the job done and find out what Ultron has been building. We find Romanoff and we clear the field, keeping the fight between us. Ultron thinks we're monsters and we're what's wrong with the world. This isn't just about beating him, it's about whether he's right."

"Natasha!" Alrina is sprinting through the abandoned facility, checking almost every room for the redhead.

"Rina?" A faint noise from the room in front of her makes her move quicker. "Talia?" She stops for a second as she enters the room, looking around before locking eyes with a collapsed Natasha.

"Talia!" Alrina runs to the cage door, grasping the bars like she could rip them from the hinges. Natasha finds the strength to stand, placing her hands over top of the blondes who smiles at the action.

"You alright?" Natasha shakes her head side to side. "Yeah."

"The whole team's in the city, it's about to light up." Alrina looks around for a way to open the door of the cell, Natasha smiling at her clueless expression.

"I don't suppose you found a key lying around somewhere?" Natasha looks from one of the weapons on her hip to the lock, trying to subtly tell her how to open the cell.

"Oh!" Alrina pulls out one of her guns and shoots the lock off the cell. The childish expression on her face at the action launches Natasha from the cell and into her arms. The action surprises the blonde, grunting at the impact before wrapping her arms around the woman, relief flooding her body as she soaks in the fact she is okay.

"What's the play?"

"My job was to get you to safety." Alrina looks down and grins at the bored look Natasha has on her face. "But I know our job isn't finished and getting you to relax is next to impossible."

Natasha nods at the statement, knowing she was right. The ground started to shake and the only thing around to stabilize themselves was each other, debris falling from the ceiling.

"We gotta move." Alrina grabs the redhead's hand as she pulls her back to the surface of the abandoned base. The blonde looks around the snowy terrain, turning her communication system back on to contact anyone within range, but the static means they're alone.

"We gotta hike it." They both start their trek towards the city, knowing they would be running into a warzone. Before they leave the forest, Natasha pulls on the hand still holding her own. Alrina doesn't have a chance to question the action before a soft pair of lips are overtop of her own.

No thoughts, no fighting, no sounds.

Just Natasha and her, sharing what could very well be their last moment together.

They both reluctantly pull away from each other, a smile and a shortness of breath felt between such a little space. An explosion pulls them from the moment, Alrina sparing one last kiss to the redhead's forehead before running to jump into the fight. Turning to look over her shoulder to shout and the woman running after her.

"I love you, маленький спитфайр! Don't die on me!" The two separate after the declaration, Natasha running to help the Captain and Alrina hearing Clint complain through the coms. Alrina turns down the street, seeing the little witch with the archer. Sliding over the hood of a barely there car, she starts shooting at any bot that she can see.

"Stark, you worry about bringing the city back down safely. The rest of us have one job: tear these things apart." Alrina dodges an arrow that comes flying over her shoulder at a bot she was about to shoot. She spares an angry glance at her friend who only smiles in return. "You get hurt, hurt 'em back. You get killed, walk it off."

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