Strongest Metal on Earth

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"But, it's a trick!"

The group of Avenger's are sitting around a table, some standing and one being held down to a couch in order to refrain from violence. Alrina couldn't help herself to glare at Barton when he opened his mouth, the only consolation being the redhead in her lap. Natasha claimed that it was to stop her from injuring her best friend further than the massive bruise she placed on his shoulder. Alrina knew better however, knowing the redhead wouldn't sit in her lap in public without a valid excuse.

"Oh, no. It's much more than that."
"Uh, 'Whoever be worthy shall haveth the power!' Whatever man, it's a trick!"

"Well please, be my guest." Alrina sits up in interest, being sure to adjust Natasha as she does to keep her from falling off.

"Oh, this is going to be golden." Natasha lightly hits Alrina in the chest, a smile on her face for the comment nevertheless.


"Clint, you've had a tough week, we won't hold it against you if you can't get it up." The group laughs as the archer makes his way around the table to grab the hammer.

"Speak for yourself, Stark. This is prime blackmail material for the rest of his life."

"You know I've seen this before, right?" Clint ignores the blonde he teased himself not too long ago, reaching out to grab the hammer. He pulls as hard as he can, failing to even cause it to budge. "I still don't know how you do it."

"Smell the silent judgment?"

"Please Stark, by all means." Tony gets up from his seat, unbuttoning his jacket as he goes to take his turn. Alrina could practically feel Natasha roll her eyes at him, both women taking a drink from their beers at the same time.

"Oh, here we go."

"Never one to shrink from an honest challenge." Alrina leans forward, resting her chin on the redhead's shoulder to get a closer look of Tony failing miserably at something.

"Here we go."

"It's physics." Alrina chuckles into her beer bottle before putting the empty object on the table to her side.

"Right, so, if I lift it I then rule Asgard?"

"Yes, of course."

"I will be reinstituting Prima Nocta." The two women roll their eyes at the billionaire, the blonde placing a small peck on the redhead's bare shoulder as she leans back into the couch. She smiles as she watches Tony fail to pull the hammer, even trying to grab it at different angles before letting go.

"I'll be right back." Natasha leans back into the blondes chest, ignoring the looks from anyone else in the room at the action, just wanting to be comfortable. The two ignore the small conversations that pop up in the room, Alrina just placing her chin on the woman's head prepared to glare at anyone who tries to question their actions. The conversations stop and Tony comes back into the room with two of his Iron Man gauntlets, throwing one towards Rhodey and he tries to lift the hammer once again, but with help.

"Are you even pulling?"

"Are you on my team?"

"Just represent, pull!" Alrina buries her face into red hair, trying to hide the laughter that is escaping her mouth at the two men failing miserably. She looks back up with a smile as the two men finally give up, letting Bruce have a go. Alrina can tell he's having just as much luck as the other men, but the fake roar that comes from his mouth makes her cringe.

"Next failure?" The men complain at the blonde wording, who just smiles at each of them for technically being right. Steve was up next, rolling up his sleeves as he made his way around the table. Alrina was prepared to tease the man for being just as successful as the others in the room, but she noticed the hammer nudge to the side. He gives up, the blonde seeing the relieved smile on Thor's face across the table.

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