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The gunfire shakes the entire apartment building, making a small ringing noise prominent in Alrina's ears as she hides around the corner to the hallway. Yelena bolting across the hallway starts them up again, and before Natasha can run after her, she grabs the redhead's arm, pulling her back. Natasha looks at her as though she burned her, but all Alrina does is shake her head as she waits for a good opening. Yelena bolting back across the hallway forces the blonde to grab her as well, pulling her against the wall to keep her from getting shot.

Yelena reaches out, turning a knob to blast all of the lights out in the room, giving them enough cover to take down a few widows before running from the room. They stop at the end of the hallway to catch their breath, Yelena double checking that the vials are inside her bag. Natasha leans out a balcony to check the ground level before bullets come flying at the wall next to her head. Alrina pulls her back just in time with a scowl on her face that is quickly aimed at the sister as she peaks over the stairwell to get the same reaction. The grenade that she throws over the railing however, gives them the opening they need to bolt up the stairs.

"Where are we trying to get?!"

"Motorbikes, east side of the building!" Alrina takes up the rear of the trio, constantly checking behind her for anyone following them. She ducks as a sniper shot goes right above her head, pushing the two sisters to go faster as they jump through a window to the roof. As they slide down a portion of the roof to gain more distance, Alrina looks over her shoulder to see them being followed.

"Go!" Both sisters chance a glance over their shoulder to see the same, before picking up speed.

All three cling onto a chimney pipe as Yelena kicks the bolt loose, throwing them into a fall. The pursuing Widow jumps to follow, but before she can fall, Natasha reaches her hand out to catch her. As soon as Alrina sees the woman pull out a knife, she looks between the two sisters before making a split decision. She kicks the woman's hand, forcing her to drop the knife, before she reaches out to grab her instead, pulling her down with her.

"Rina!" Natasha watches as the two freefall to the ground below.

Alrina punches the widow as they fall, pushing off just enough to angle her body to fall into the nearby garbage. The sound of breaking glass and someone falling covers up the groans coming from her mouth as she assesses her injuries. Her ribs are definitely broken after the falls if they weren't from the fight a few days ago, along with a stabbing pain from one of her ankles, otherwise her entire body just feels sore.

"Don't move, you're hurt." Alrina sighs in relief as she hears her girlfriend's voice, knowing she is still alright. She pushes herself up as well as she can from the trash surrounding her, looking out just in time to see the girl in the puddle die as Yelena comes sprinting around the corner.

"Do you believe me now?"

"How many others?"

"Enough." Yelena goes to turn around, but stops when she sees the blonde's head peeking over the side of a garbage container. She chuckles as she points to the trash covered woman.

"You're like a cockroach, Rina." Natasha snaps her gaze over to her sister before following her eyeline to see the woman trying to climb out of the container. She laughs pitifully, rushing over to help the woman out and on her own two feet.

"You smell horrible." Alrina actually smiles at the woman in front of her, wincing as she puts weight on her ankle.

"I thought I'd smell like a field of flowers after taking a dive into some trash, Talia."

"How about less kissing and more running?" They both look at the younger woman, nodding as they run to follow her outside of the building. As they come out to the street, they all look around to make sure the coast is clear before rushing towards the group of bikes at the side of the road.

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