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"Son of a bitch!" A bullet skims across Alrina's shoulder, almost running across her neck as well, leaving a thin trail of blood in its wake. She couldn't complain about Natasha's driving, she was doing her best due to the snowy circumstances, she would however blame Barton for any minor inconvenience when he was within range.

"Language!" The archer and the duplicator share an astounded look at her being reprimanded by the old man, trying to hold back their giggles. Instead, the two focus their attention on the never-ending waves of HYDRA soldiers, ducking every so often to avoid shots aimed their way.

"The Tesseract must be here. Strucker couldn't mount this defense without it, at long last." Alrina, tired of bumping into Clint every time she wants to switch sides of the truck, squeezes into the passenger seat next to the redhead.

"At long last is lasting a little long boys."

"Yeah, I think we lost the element of surprise." Alrina makes sure to shoot every soldier who aims at their driver, knowing if Natasha got shot the repercussions would not be well received.

"Wait a second, no one is going to point out the fact that Cap just yelled at Alrina about her language?"

"Thank you, Tin Man!" Alrina laughs through the coms, barely hearing the archer behind her add on his own into the air.

"I know, it just slipped out.

The three agents see the bank coming up, knowing the truck wouldn't make it. Alrina stands up, holding onto the roof, Clint not too far behind her. Before the truck has a chance to completely flip, she grabs the redhead, pulling her up to jump into the fight. Once they all land, they separate into different directions, but not too far in case something happens. Alrina happens to look over at her archer friend and watches one of his arrows disappear in thin air. She could tell he was struggling, so she sent out one of her clones to be of assistance as she hurried to finish with her own fight.

"You didn't see that coming?" The cocky blonde looks down at the archer who indeed never saw him, but he never saw the woman behind him. Alrina sweeps the boy's legs out from under him, knocking him onto his back and aiming her weapon right between his eyes, a smirk on her face.

"What, and you saw that?" Before she can move the weapon to shoot a non lethal shot into his shoulder, he is off of the ground and tries to run into her shoulder to give her the same fate as her friend. Instead, he runs right through her, looking back at the enigma as he runs back towards his sister. The clone disappears, but a shot aimed for it instead hits the collapsed archer in the snow.

"Clint!" Both former assassins run to their friend's aid, the blonde feeling guilty as she covers the side of his body with her own in case of more shots.

"We have an enhanced in the field."

"Clint's hit, you guys!" Alrina ignores the Captain's information, already interacting with the blonde boy.

"Someone want to deal with that bunker?" As soon as Natasha asks, the Hulk comes barreling into the concrete destroying it. "Thank you."

Alrina looks around for any more soldiers before putting both of her arms underneath the archer, dragging him behind a nearby tree for cover. Natasha pulls out a piece of gauze, pushing past the blonde to put pressure on Clint's wound.

"Clint's hit pretty bad guys, we're gonna need evac."

"Thor's on the way."

"And for gosh sake, watch your language!" Alrina smiles at Tony's comment, seeing a faint smile cross the injured man's face as well. Thor comes landing next to the three agents, grabbing Clint before leading the two women back to the jet. As they walk, both women notice the soldiers laying down their arms.

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