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So I went back to read some of the beginning chapters and noticed something I switched up without even knowing.. I turned the viewpoint from first to third, without even noticing I did it. That being said, we're going to stay in the third-person perspective. I feel like I repeat myself a lot with first. Sorry if it confused anybody and it took me this long to notice my swap.

Anyway, enjoy!

Their moment at her apartment was touching, something she would hold close to her for the rest of her life. It was ruined when Natasha got a phone call that Alrina knew was serious from the smile disappearing from the redhead's face almost immediately. She was already pulling on her shoes and jacket as Natasha practically ran through her to exit the house, grabbing her shoes and jacket on the way. Alrina ran after her, grabbing the redhead's abandoned phone on the side table before slamming the apartment door behind her, not even bothering to lock it.

"Hurry up, Rina!" Natasha is standing outside the passenger door when she bolts out of the complex, not able to stand still for three seconds.

She doesn't even bother to tease her for her impatience, knowing the reason behind it is actually serious. Natasha being the only reason she could choke down the poor times humor.

Alrina unlocked the doors and Natasha jumped into the passenger seat and she followed her lead, turning the key into the car before she shut the driver side door behind me. Alrina didn't point out the bouncing of her leg, or the picking of the skin around her nails, just drove to the hospital she spat at me when she climbed into the car.

Natasha doesn't even bother to wait for the car to park before she's racing out of the vehicle and inside the sterilized building. Alrina doesn't even bother to park in a parking spot. Choosing to turn the car off in the emergency lane and rush inside after the redhead. It's not until she personally sees the small group standing out of the OR room that she realizes the severity of the situation and slips behind Natasha to see the injured man inside.

"Tell me about the shooter." Natasha doesn't look away from the operation in the other room as she asks the Captain about who put someone important in her life in this position.

"He's fast and strong, and has a metal arm." That bit of information makes Alrina freeze in place, keeping her gaze locked on the doctors as a form of distraction.


"Three slugs, no rifling. Completely untraceable."

"Soviet-made." Maria looks between both former assassins, confused how they just happened to know that bit of information.


The sound of a flatline captures all of their attention to the OR room, watching the doctors scramble to revive Nick Fury. As the roll in the crash cart, the blonde can already tell this isn't going to end in a way her redhead will want. Subtly, Alrina places her hands on Natasha's shoulders to bring her comfort, feeling the tense muscles underneath.

"Don't do this to me, Nick." The doctors inside the room begin shocking the man, attempting to bring him back, but Alrina can feel Natasha slowly breaking with each shock.

"Don't do this to me, Nick. Don't do this to me." She tightens her hold on the redhead when they call it, taking the time of death before covering Nick with the sheet. Alrina notices Maria leaving the building and Steve walking away from the two women left, giving them a moment. Once Steve is out of her eyesight, Alrina turns Natasha around and pulls her into her embrace. Natasha is almost numb in shock, not knowing how to react to seeing someone she held so dear to her die, but when she registers the arms holding her, she returns the sentiment. Alrina jumps away from the woman as she sees the Captain come back around the corner, waving to them to follow him to say their private goodbyes.

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