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Funerals were something Alrina was never privy to come to. She was always the cause of the funerals, so arriving at Margeret Carter's funeral without being the reason she was inside of the casket was something she was trying to wrap her head around. Natasha however was a woman on a mission, leading the blonde behind her inside of the church to meet up with their friend. Alrina knew this was a small conversation and she would be quickly put onto another jet to make their way to Vienna. She leaves Natasha to walk next to Steve, wanting to hang away from the conversation and let the redhead handle it.

"When I came out of the ice, I thought everyone I had known was gone. Then I found out that she was still alive and I was just lucky to have her."

"She had you back too." Natasha spares a glance over her shoulder towards Alrina, knowing exactly how it felt to think you lost the one most important to you only to find them again.

"Who else signed?" Steve dropped the topic, turning to look at Natasha, flicking his gaze to Alrina for a split second before looking away.

"Tony, Rhodey and Vision."


"Says he's retired." She smiles at the shadow behind them, who returns the look with a sad one of her own. "Just like Rina."

"Wanda" Alrina shakes her head at the name, knowing when she finds out exactly what Tony is doing, he won't be able to contain her wrath.

"TBD. I'm off to Vienna for the signing of the Accords, there's plenty of room on the jet." Steve shakes his head with a sigh.

"Just because it's the path of least resistance, doesn't mean it's the wrong path. Staying together is more important than how we stay together." Alrina chooses that time to walk into the small group of two, grabbing the redhead's hand for comfort.

"What are we giving up to do it? I'm sorry, Nat, Rina. I can't sign it." Alrina nods, knowing she felt the same way, but she was tired. Tired of being under the thumb of another, tired of running from those who wanted to use her.

"We know, Steve."

"Then what are you two doing here?"

"We didn't want you to be alone." Both women pull the super soldier into a hug, who greedily returns it, not knowing that having friends through this was something he was desperately craving.


Alrina couldn't stop messing with the jacket of her suit and Natasha Romanoff was at the point that the rubbing of her fabric was setting her on edge. Alrina was never a fan of large crowds, regretting slipping her way onto the jet that morning to accompany her girlfriend as a kind of bodyguard.

"Excuse me, Ms. Romanoff?" Alrina spins around to see who could have snuck up on the two, ready to fight to protect them both. Natasha noticed the jumpy woman, placing her hand on the blonde's arm to calm her before turning to the new company.


"These need your signature." Natasha moves over to sign a few papers as Alrina lets out a breath she didn't know she was holding.

"Thanks." Natasha moves back to the side of her blonde, but a man makes his own way over towards the two former assassins.

"I suppose none of us are used to the spotlight."

"Oh, well, it's not always flattering." Alrina nods at the other woman's comment, knowing most of the time she's been under observation, it was never good.

"You seem to be doing alright so far. Considering your last trip to Capitol Hill... I wouldn't think you'd be particularly comfortable in this company." Natasha subtly elbows the chuckling blonde next to her.

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