Chapter 2

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It turned out that Wu Dahu didn’t have the habit of snoring, and he seemed to be a light sleeper. Every time Song Qinghan woke up in the midnight, he could saw the man staring at him with his bright eyes opening, it was kind of weird though.

After the night of tossing and turning, it came to the next morning. Song Qinghan woke up in starvation.

He got quite easy to be hungry right now, not knowing if it was because he needed to feed the baby inside his belly or due to the oil-free diet.

He wanted Wu Dahu to make some meals of better flavors, but the house environment, which was in a poverty level, failed him to make that luxurious requirement.

After eating steamed bun Wu Dahu made, he asked in surprise, “Why don’t you eat?”

Wu Dahu paused, avoided his eyes and said slowly, “I’ve already eaten earlier.”

How have he had the breakfast since they were almost got up at the same time and Song Qinghan watched him finishing the process of steaming?

Song Qinghan was a little upset. He knew exactly how terrible to be a member from a poor family due to his experience getting through the poverty before.

Noticing his expression, Wu Dahu came to be a bit embarrassed in the thought of having the breakfast first. However, it was rather hard for him to explain. So he just decided to lower his head silently and carried his wicker basket and ready to leave the room.

“Where are you going?” asked Song Qinghan.

Seeing that the man was going out, he hurriedly walked a few steps forward, trying to follow him up.

Wu Dahu looked at his belly nervously and frowned, saying, “I will go find some food in the mountain, you stay at home.”

Song Qinghan noticed his sight and found that it was kind of ironic and dazzling.

Sure enough, in every countries dogs bit, men cared about the babies rather than the ones who carried and gave birth to them.

He knew the dreadful truth because he had witnessed so many familiar cases since his accessing to the career of a doctor in the area of gynaecology and obstetrics. Once he met a pregnant woman accidentally falling at home and losing her twin boys, her husband didn’t ever comfort her at all but blamed her not staying at bed in his orders.

Well, their fate, sure enough, was doomed to come to an end since her husband found a lover in quite a short time. What’s worse, the woman lost the twins didn’t blame over her husband but herself instead, she said that she would have give birth to the twins if she was submissive to stay at bed. What a domestic tragedy.

It definitely made no sense to make a requirement to stay at bed during the pregnancy, but was a rather creepy treatment and would got someone insane in that dreadful period. In addition, a female swine carrying more than ten babies in one pregnancy didn’t dare to stay numb without moving.

Thinking of this, Song Qinghan stuck in a bad mood all of a sudden. He got his face in an unhappy one and he said disdainfully, “I will follow you up. Don’t worry. I will TAKE GOOD CARE OF YOUR BABY CHILD!”

Wu Dahu opened his mouth but didn’t say anything. He opened the door silently and watched him walk out of the yard.

Not long, Song Qinghan saw the golden grain a hundred meters away. He couldn’t help asking, “Don’t you have to go to the field for some farming?”

Wu Dahu withdrew his gaze from the grain, and looked at the road under Song Qinghan’s feet and said slowly, “I sent my land as a betrothal present.”

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