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Seeing that Song Qinghan intended to leave, the other triplet among the three suddenly sounded, “What are you going to do once you take us out?”

Without a second thought over it, Song Qinghan answered directly and casually, “Of course we will go out and eat something, it doesn’t even require me to think further to know that the meal in prison is a bad treat to you guys.”

After that, he shook his head with resignation as he found that those triplets were all dumbfounded there. And then he left the place while leaving the last words, “We will see again if we get the chance.”

Well, he never intended to hurt them at all at the beginning when he decided to step in such a matter. Instead, he wanted to save them. However, it was obviously that the triplets didn’t even think so in this way. Was it now quite ridiculous for him to take a risk of being beheaded himself to take the deal?

But, since everything was doomed to happen now. Being regretful wouldn’t be something blessing. What he could do now was to wait and see, if at the end things were really going to offtrack beyond his expectation, he could still choose to release those triplets. Well, at least they wouldn’t blame him for that, right?

As his thought went wilder and wilder, he ran into a familiar figure midway.

It was Yuan Wenxuan who showed a face of anxiety. Yuan Wenxuan raised his head to look at his master, and then reached out to grasp Song Qinghan’s hand, uttering anxiously, “Master, you should check it out! Chief Mu got a fever all of a sudden, and that seems to be a rejection you have mentioned previously.”

Hearing that, Song Qinghan finally got his calmness on face collapsed with his expression changed suddenly. He sped up and walked hurriedly towards Mu Qingfeng.

When he finally reached to Mu Qingfeng, he found that Mu Qingfeng’s subordinates were already surrounded by the man in bed. They were all busy doing their own stuff, some were coming in and out to collect water, and the other hurried to deliver the newly changed towels, everything was just in order. Yet they all paused when they caught the glimpse of Song Qinghan, and then turned to glare at him. One among them roared while suppressing his wrath in mind, “Chief has already lost his consciousness, what should we do now?”

Noticing that those subordinates didn’t act as fiercely as they did when they first met, but instead inquiring of the suggestions, Song Qinghan couldn’t help but feel a bit shocked.

It seemed that Mu Qingfeng’s prestige was not that plain at all, and his casual words could be remembered by all his subordinates deep in minds.

But now was not the time to zone out. Song Qinghan reached out and touched Mu Qingfeng’s forehead. The temperature transmitted on his hand made him utterly shock, and then with eyebrows frowned tight, Song Qinghan made an order calmly, “Take off all his clothes, NOW. Get me some liquor and wipe them on his body, but be aware not to touch this area.”

He gestured making a circle range around Mu Qingfeng’s waist. After eyeing that all the others around nodded obediently, he finally rolled up his sleeves and prepared to disinfect his hands.

Yuan Wenxuan was so wise that at the moment he noticed the movements of Song Qinghan, he had roughly guessed what Song Qinghan was going to act, so he subconsciously asked, “Master, are you going to take out the tube?”

Beyond his expectation, Song Qinghan only pondered for a brief moment and then shook his head, “Not now, I will try to change the position for another try. Otherwise, what we had done will be in vain. At least we should make sure that this circulation will smoothly run.”

Yuan Wenxuan nodded like he had already understood and quickly prepared the scalpels and other tools to assist Song Qinghan in the operation.

Well, adjusting the position of the tube wasn’t that kind of easy as imagined, even worse, it would be complicated than inserting it at the very beginning.

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