chapter 52

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They gobbled the bear palm with rice, and at the end of dinner, Song Qinghan could hardly stand up holding the wall aside. That was such a satisfaction and a great entertainment to his stomach.

“That’s super divine. No wonder people would describe the superb flavor of the bear palm in books. It’s just a pity that this wonderful dish is served without cumin.” Song Qinghan exclaimed.

Seeing that Song Qinghan was acting like he was totally drunk, Wu Dahu asked in amusement, saying, “What is cumin? Tell me, I will find some for you.”

With eyes opened wide, Song Qinghan stretched wide his arms measuring and explaining, “It’s a plant in such a large size. Its bloom features yellow with several seeds on it. And it gets a special flavor, I would say it tastes like star anise.”

Pondering for a brief moment, Wu Dahu nodded, saying, “I might have seen this before! Once upon a time I got lost in the moutain. And I had seen something similar to what you’ve described just now. They were growing in adjacent to each other. That was amazing just took a look on them. However, they just got a pungent smell, maybe? So I just kept a distance from them. From your description, I would say that’s it.”

Song Qinghan clasped his hands in excitement, saying, “Really? What about black pepper? It is probably with like this height. And there hangs strings of ball-shaped fruits, including some green and red.”

Wu Dahu answered in an uncertain tone, “I might have, and it was also seen in the mountain. But it’s hard for me to recall the precise location. I remember that I did take a bite of it in my childhood. How bad taste it had! So I never ever tasted it again.”

Song Qinghan patted Wu Dahu on his shoulder happily, saying, “Never mind. As long as we know they do grow in the mountain, everything will just be fine. How silly I am, I did forget to ask you in advance. Well, this must be the influence of the pregnancy. I wasn’t that dumb before.”

Witnessing the look of confusion from the boy, Wu Dahu came to hold the waist of Song Qinghan with amusement, and accompanied with him to the room, saying, “You’re dumb or not, I don’t care. As long as you got your brain sober now, that will be fine. Sleep this side tonight, or I would be worried that I probably would press on you. And it’s troublesome for me to sleep this side, I don’t want to get dirty on my wounds.”

“NO, I can’t sleep without you aside! And you are much nicer and warmer compared to the cold wall.” Shouted Song Qinghan in a tempting tone. It was the first time for him to play the coquetry and be acting like a spoiled kid.

With an awkwardness flashing on face, Wu Dahu fumbled there touching his own body but then said with hesitation, “It seems that I can’t make it to warm your feet up right now. If you still feel cold… Then let’s heat up the brick-bed.”

After that, he directly headed out the room and looked for some woods, and when he came back he commenced firing the woods and setting them under the brick-bed.

With a pampered smile, Song Qinghan held his own forehead helplessly.

What “blockhead” Wu Dahu is! What Song Qinghan really wanted wasn’t the warmth of his feet or something else. The key point was that this boy was eager to sleep with his man!!

However, as the brick-bed started heating up and showed its warmness, it failed Song Qinghan to conceive any other naughty thoughts in his mind. As soon as he got his head on the pillow, he fell asleep all of a sudden.

Tucking in Song Qinghan, Wu Dahu came to blow out the candle and walked alone to the kitchen. In this atmosphere of dreadful silence, he commenced dealing with the remaining bear flesh, making them into dry meat. It was not until the moon hung high up in the sky did he finally went back to the room and sleep.

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