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Hualian was utterly stunned hearing that, but he regained his attention quickly, and then rose slowly, standing aside by Song Qinghan and lowering his face, “Yes, Young Mistress.”

Song Qinghan didn’t make a sound. For one reason, he got no perfect mood now and for the other, as a man from modern time, he got no idea how he should deal with such a condition of “Traditional Dreg”.

Luckily, Hualian was pretty well-behaved so far. When Song Qinghan got into his room, Hualian was just standing still there like a mannequin.

Noon time, Wu Dahu came back from the Liangyi Martial Club. He found someone was right in the kitchen cooking, and thought that it was Song Qinghan, so he just spoke with a smiling face, “Han, let me handle with that.”

Hualian startled and flinched a bit but then he quickly turned around facing Wu Dahu while lowering his head and saying respectfully, “Young Master, you’re back.”

Wu Dahu retreated as he found it was not Song Qinghan in front but someone else, he sneered, asking, “Who are you? Were you sent by Zhai Su again? Didn’t I give you guys enough punishment yesterday?”

Song Qinghan walked out from the room after he finished feeding Little Shitou. He rushed over to break in as he saw Wu Dahu was now showing all his anger on face, and then he explained, “It was me who accepted him, nothing bad is going to happen to get a servant to take care of us. We still get a right to kick him out if he dares to do something with evil thought.”

Hearing the explanation from Song Qinghan, Wu Dahu relaxed a bit, and then glanced at Hualian with warning, saying, “If I find out you get here with some bad intentions. You’ll get no easy days.”

Hualian shivered and was about to knee down as his knees bent slightly, but Song Qinghan’s warning occurred to him in his mind. And now he could only lowered his head heavily facing the two, and answered nervously, “Yes, Young Master. I will be absolutely loyal to Young Master and Young Mistress.”

Wu Dahu snorted coldly and no more faced toward the servant, but instead he turned to Song Qinghan while taking out a bouquet behind his back, he delivered the flowers to Song Qinghan with a big smile on his face, saying gently, “We went to the mountain today, and I picked some flowers with me. It’s all for you!”

Song Qinghan reached out to take over the bouquet with a face full of astonishment, he smiled timidly while asking, “What did you do in the mountain? Did the others laugh at you?”

Hearing that, the smile in Wu Dahu on face became more indulgent with happiness, and he answered slowly, “Outdoor competition is listed in the tournament as one of the items this year. It’s heard that such a competition is to filter some competitors for conscription for wars in the future. The tournament day is approaching, probably we will get to the mountains more often recently… Well, they did laugh at me that I picked some flowers along the way, but I just laughed at them back claiming that he got on one to send flower to.”

Song Qinghan smiled either as he noticed Wu Dahu was quite happy sharing his story. He smiled big shaking his head, and turned around to put away the flowers, and spoke to Hualian, “Let’s have lunch.”

After the meal was all served on the table, Song Qinghan noticed that Hualian did not sit down but turned and left to the kitchen, he was about to stop the servant and asked about the reason. But in a second thought, he finally figured out that servants weren’t allowed to share the food with their Masters. So he just kept his mouth shut.

After lunch, Wu Dahu went to the room while Song Qinghan was about to go to the enclosure and get another bowl of milk. Just as he was ready to get into the kitchen, he heard something rustling inside, and then he hid himself in a nimble movement behind the door peering in secretly.

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