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Song Qinghan glared at him and got up from the bed, “So, you can make me worry but I can’t make you? Do you think that makes sense?

Wu Dahu delivered a smile in resignation as he found that Song Qinghan had completely got him wrong, he shook his head and answered, “Sorry, dear, but you can’t make up your mind so capriciously showing your willingness to go to the front line! To see it in an unpleasant picture, if I really get injured myself in the future, those lamb doctors are enough to get me treated and cured. If I really get injured that is extremely serious beyond their capacity to cure me, nothing is going to help even if you are there with me. In addition, if you really go there with me, no one is able to make a decision to assign you to take care of me.”

Wu Dahu explained so as if his mouth was equipped with a motor, and those words rendered Song Qinghan silent and. speechless, he failed to say something in retort. When he heard there was a clicking sound of chopsticks and bowls, he reached out to push Wu Dahu away gently, while uttered with a light anger, “Go eat first, I will talk with you after dinner.”

At this time, he finally came to understand how pitiful those women in ancient times were. On one hand, they bore the honor of the beloved family and country, yet they got their personal affection and love on the other side. It would be so hard for them to separate with their beloved ones, but they eventually had to do it since it was the call of the country. Those who were well-educated wouldn’t make a decisive choice, let alone those women who still bore the conventional conception of “No Talent is Virtue”.

People gathering within the family to have dinner was getting bigger. Fortunately, Hualian was quite wise and agile to prepare more dishes in advance. So the current meal wasn’t served indecent.

Probably those triplets had never had their dinner in such a crude environment, they were acting rather reserved right now. And then it was again the one who seemed to be the oldest one among them took the initiative to speak, “Didn’t you say that you will take us out to treat us a good meal?”

Song Qinghan was not in a good mood now, but he still answered calmly, “Isn’t the most delicious dish in the world the home-made one?”

That person was silent after Song QInghan said so. After thinking about it for a while, he realized that it was indeed the case. However, the home-cooked dishes in their minds were obviously not the ones Song Qinghan described. After all, this place wasn’t the territory of the Northern minority. Requiring Song Qinghan to prepare the food catering to their taste buds would be indeed an embarrassing task.

Thinking of this, he glanced at the mixed-raced man who was remaining his ‘eternity-lasting’ silence, and uttered mockingly, “Doctor Song, you seem to be a nice righteous man, you bring anyone home no matter he is a chick or dog. Well, it is a pity that even though someone is being guarded now and enjoying his short-term peace, he is not going to live longer. He is just living on in degradation, well, whatever.”

Song Qinghan raised his eyes and looked at the leader among the triplets, he did catch the sense of disdain in the triplet’s eyes. He now finally came to realize how awful the situation the mixed-race people got. Not only the residents within Qingmu Region looked down upon them, but the people from Northern minority spitted on them either. In that situation, were they that pitiful being homeless?

Noticing that the mixed-race man paused while seemingly going to put down the chopsticks, Song Qinghan uttered in peaceful tone, “Living on in degradation is still living. Only people alive love to study the ranking dividing people in grades and categories. Everyone is in a equal status when they die!”

Beyond his expectation, the seemingly wrath-incurring retort indeed subtly resonated with those triplets.

The three of them sighed at the same time and raised their head to look at the bright moon hanging in the sky, the older one uttered, “Well, sorry, I’m being a bit petty. Since we have been caught, we were living on in degradation either.”

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