chapter 78

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As a passer-by, Song Qinghan witnessed all the crime scene from its beginning till its end. With a shock in mind, he asked in an incredible tone, saying, ” Wha… what? But why? Isn’t here the provincial capital? How did such an evil and unfair matter just happen?”

Wu Dahu looked at the onlookers with a complicated expression while the those rubberneckers dissipated gradually, he just shook his head while sighing and saying, “Folk customs vary from towns to towns. Yet indeed, this matter is quite beyond my expectation.”

It made sense that those evil beefy villains were everywhere and no one could deny the existence of it. What really puzzled him was the attitude of those yamen runners. It was quite odd.

The yamen runners neither showed any mercy to those members of acrobatics team nor did they give them a hand. But instead, those officials took the villains’ side. In this consideration, Wu Dahu refused to believe that no corruption existed.

And this was also the most disappointing part for him. If it was a real fact that those officials were taking villains’ side, the well-being of the folk was doomed to sink in this corruption-ridden society. Then the beefy man probably was telling the truth, they were the superior law here in the provincial capital.

After all the onlookers dispersed, there were only the group of acrobatics on the ground. Some of them among the group were still adolescent. It was probably the first time they had encountered such a matter, some of them sobbed while the other was bowling right away. The extremely miserable ambience lit up Song Qinghan’s sympathy for them all of a sudden.

The most seriously injured boy was the one who was the first to be beaten on the ground. He was probably the leader of the acrobatics team. After struggling to get up, he bent down and picked up the broken props on the ground while saying in a faint tone, “Let’s move back, and leave tomorrow. I won’t believe that there will be no place where we can fit in and accept us.”

And then it was another boy on the ground shouted unsatisfactorily, “We didn’t do something wrong! Why should we leave but not them? In addition, we don’t even have any coin which can support us on the trip! Where can we go?”

The leader boy wanted to say something, but the sudden pain in the chest failed him to do so. With a succession of coughing, he collapsed on the ground again all of a sudden.

The members of the acrobatic team were all panic in rough and tumble. They rushed over to hold the leader boy and lift him up, bowling, “Brother, brother! What happened? Please wake up! Don’t scare us. Save him, save him! Anybody save him!”

Looking at those panicked expressions on these pitiful kids, Song Qinghan couldn’t help but pinch Wu Dahu’s hand while walking forward.

Wu Dahu knew what Song Qinghan intended to do. Though he knew that it was risky to do so, he let him walk to the the acrobatics team while following him behind silently.

The two weren’t meddlesome, but they weren’t the kind of person who wouldn’t leave people just sink deep into pain and do nothing. Well, saving people from danger would surely gain blessings.

Song Qinghan walked over and then squatted, saying calmly, “Give me a way, let me check him out.”

Seeing that someone was willing to lend a hand, the acrobatic group quickly gave way and said urgently, “Doctor! Please, save him. Please!”

Song Qinghan waved his hands motioning the boys to calm down, and then he quickly rolled up his sleeves and placed his hand on the boy who was now out of his consciousness, intending to make a diagnose to see what the main reason was causing his coma.

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