chapter 83

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Song Qinghan was without any expression on his face at all while he was demonstrating something like that. This totally freaked Doctor Shi and the servant out.

They could imagine how Song Qinghan operated, but they just couldn’t understand why.

Most importantly, such a queer action indeed saved the life of that leader boy! But HOW??

Doctor Shi pondered for a moment, probably it was because that he wasn’t a person who would bow himself or beg for something, he felt awkward when he was about to ask something. But in order to get the answer, he still came to ask while he thought he was being cheeky, “Would you please let us check out his wound?”

Song Qinghan nodded and squatted down to untie the gauze on the leader boy’s body, exposing the scar that looked like a centipede to the air.

There just only one day passed, the wound hadn’t crusted yet. The flesh, bloody flesh just made people uncomfortable, but it seemed that Doctor Shi was quite absorbed in observating it, he observed it carefully as if he was enjoying looking at an artwork.

Suddenly, something seemed to occur to him, and then he whispered, asking, “Can I take a look at your knife? The one you used for the operation.”

When Song Qinghan took out his wooden box and opened it, Doctor Shi got his eyes lit up, admiring, “That’s a good thing. Isn’t it?”

He hurriedly walked over and was about to reach out for the knife when he paused. He took out his handkerchief and carefully took out the one of the scalpels with his handkerchief covered on it.

“This arc, this shape, this is totally a treasure. Isn’t it?!”

Seeing that Doctor Shi was sort of excited with his hands shivering, Song Qinghan came to say with kindness, “If Doctor Shi really want it, I can offer you with the drawing.”

A bitter smile flashed across Doctor Shi’s face all of a sudden. He shook his head and then slowly put the scalpel back into the wooden box, signing, “I’m quite old now. I can’t even see things clearly. Such a kit will be useless for me. In addition, even if I got something like that, it will just be in vain if I can’t apply it to any scene. Right?”

He thought of something and suddenly spoke to Song Qinghan, “Are you willing to work in Huichun Shop?”

Song Qinghan was stunned standing there and then he took a glance at Little Shitou who was now sleeping like a little puppy, and then he shook his head, saying, “Sorry, I don’t think so. My son was just born and my husband is heading to the Martial Club recently. I can’t just leave him here alone!”

In fact he didn’t feel regretful after he said so. Because what he really wanted was to save people. He could save people everywhere, not just in Huichun Shop, after all.

It was only Wu Dahu who realized that he himself and the child were an encumbrance dragging Song Qinghan. He was the one who felt much guilty in mind, and then he interrupted hesitantly, “I can take Little Shitou to the Martial Club tomorrow. I am not going to practice all the time without a break, right?”

There was a fire of hope lit up in the eyes of Doctor Shi. Song Qinghan captured that, and then he answered while being both amused and annoyed, saying, “How can I allow my baby to play with a pack of grown-ups in such an environment? I definitely won’t allow that. But…”

He glanced at Yuan Wenxuan while rolling his eyes. An idea just popped up in his mind.

“This is my apprentice, I wonder if you would allow him to go to Huichun Shop?”

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