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Hening took a glance at him and then took the initiative to give a way, letting Song Qinghan to walk before him, while saying expressionlessly, “The flowers won’t be beautiful if I’m alone admiring them.”

Song Qinghan quietly browsed at Hening up and down, right at that moment he failed to guess the age of this femina man. Yet if he asked directly it would not be polite at all, so currently he was kind of hesitant.

Hening had seen through Song Qinghan’s mind, he said directly, “Ask whatever you want to ask, I won’t complain nor punish you, well, because you are quite different from them.”

Hearing that, Song Qinghan felt queerer in his mind.

It was said that the royal family was rather ruthless. Would it be possible that it was the first time for Hening to gain such an unrequited REAL genuineness because of that rescue, and that made him trust Song Qinghan so easily?

If it was nothing wrong with that speculation, then Song Qinghan’s consideration might be a bit redundant. After all, Hening was just a pitiful guy from a royal family who didn’t get an ability to express his emotions just like kiddos. Only kiddos would choose to send all his toys to his friends without concerning the others’ judges.

Thinking of this, Song Qinghan relaxed his shoulders and tried not to resist Hening that much. He smiled and explained, “You’re not old at all, but I notice that you get a cloud of sorrow around your eyebrows, I wonder why you always get a long face yourself? Forget it if it bothers you, I’m just curious.”

Hening was utterly stunned after hearing that, and he subconsciously reached out and brushed past his eyebrows, while murmuring, “You’re the first one to inform me this fact.”

As expected, Hening was just a poor guy who seemingly didn’t even have to worry about the supply of food and cloth with that exalted identity, yet getting his own bitterness behind the scene. Probably no one but himself could get to know the loneliness he was suffering now.

After the knot in his heart was untied, Song Qinghan completely put his mind at ease. He then patted Hening on the shoulder like a big brother did, and consoled, “What’s gone is gone! We, as human beings, should always look forward and head to the future. Live at the moment and cherish the times you get, only by that can you live in happiness. You know, time is always a good medicine, it will pacify you till everything bothering you go away.”

Well, Song Qinghan didn’t know what he was talking about currently, he just tried his best to make every possible inspirational nonsense to cheer the femina man up. He didn’t care if it was reasonable or not, he did it well as long as he succeeded hoaxing Hening.

In fact, Hening was indeed hoaxed by Song Qinghan. He stared at Song Qinghan with astonishment and without eyes off, while frowning tight as if he was concerning about what words Song Qinghan just said.

Song Qinghan was a bit embarrassed being stared, he coughed lightly and tried to interrupt Hening’s thoughts, he pulled Hening’s hand and led him forward, and continued to be eloquent, “I will give you a simple example, now, free yourself to do whatever you want to do, or meet whoever you want to meet, after the strive to do and to meet, you will never be regretful even though the result might slap you in the face.”

They looked at the ground thoughtfully and suddenly said before he got into the carriage, “I got it.”

Noticing Hening’s determined expression, Song Qinghan was rather cheerful. He nodded like a chick pecking on rice, waved at Hening and said with satisfaction, “It’s my pleasure to help you, Your Highness, I appreciate that you bring me here to browse the beautiful flowers today, I’m going back now.”

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