chapter 33

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Wu Dahu noticed that Song Qinghan was about to say something, he tried to interrupt stretching out to help wipe the tears on Song Qinghan’s face and delivering him a big smile, saying, “Don’t worry about me. This is my choice. I would choose to take all the risk rather than witnessing you being arrested by them. It isn’t the worst situation right away. They probably would release me in few days!”

After that, the yamen runners came up right away and held tight the hands of Wu Dahu, showing no mercy to both of them. And then they sent him out under escort.

They left, leaving Song Qinghan standing there, holding his belly and collapsing in having sobs and moans, a heartbroken one. He looked at the county magistrate and the femina male aside with grudge and hatred, and then left without saying anything.

The two, who were bearing the real guilty right here, both subconsciously avoided the direct eyesight contact with Song Qinghan. They should be the real criminals, they were the ones who should be accused of slandering. But they wouldn’t be, guilty but free.

After Song Qinghan left the courtroom, the county magistrate sighed with a relief, and then he stood up heading to the side room.

In the side room, it was Wang Huailing sat on the chair, tasting the newest brand tea with overflowing fragrance. He saw the county magistrate coming inside, and then he complaint, “Damn it! This plan has failed, we have to conceive another plan.”

The county magistrate sat down right on the main seat in the room, and then he slapped on the table being livid with an unprepossessing, twisted face, saying, “Come on! No more bullshit and no more trick now. He is just next to nothing without his husband and being pregnant. How can we be a bad ass to a someone weak?”

Wang Huailing loosened his hand holding the tea cup, the cup fell clicking with the table. How the cup clicked seemed to be inner shout of him, amplifying the grievance and grudge long haunting in his mind.

“Tricks? If it wasn’t him, me, YOUR SON, wouldn’t have been kicked out from the Lin Family, and now I am just a shamelessly abandoned and pathetic worm! I am shameful, and of course you should be, either. I will be regret if I don’t try my best to take revenge.”

Looking at his beloved son being fulfilled with grudge and grievance, the county magistrate clenched his fists, saying, “So are you going to ignore my situation just as to take your revenge? What if someone unmask this case, how am I supposed to deal with it?”

Wang Huailing stuck into a dead silence for a moment, and then he picked up the cup again, confirming, “No one’s gonna unmask that case, that bitch is just an orphan without love. He got no one behind him. Otherwise, he wouldn’t use his husband for the shield.”

Mentioning Wu Dahu, Wang Huailing delivered a big smile with an ironic meaning, taking a sip of the tea, and saying, “How foolish the man is. Well, there’s no more shield for that pity shit.”

Noticing that Wang Huailing was still nursing a hatred, the county magistrate shook his head helplessly waving his sleeves and leaving the room.

At the same time, Song Qinghan, the poor and lonely one, was wandering on the street without destination. He was just like a walking dead, lingering himself and heading to nowhere.

As he walked and walked, for a certain moment he took a pause and raised his head noticing a familiar plaque. All of a sudden, he got his eyes red-rimmed and then walked into the shop.

The waiter inside recognized him at the first glance, at the moment he was about to shout Song Qinghan’s name, he was stunned by the gloomy look of him, and then tried to approached asking, “Sir, what… what happened?”

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