Chapter 8

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After learning that, Su Mowei sank into silence for a long time.

Later, he sighed and said in a slow tone, “Han, it was all my fault to make you suffer.”

It seemed that Su Mowei was ready to say something shocking, Song Qinghan got nervous in his mind.

“If you didn’t get such a charming look, you probably would get a better life.” uttered Su Mowei.

Hearing that, Song Qinghan couldn’t help but burst into laughter. But since he saw that the man in front frowned seriously and was with a rather sorrow look, he had to stopped his impolite laughter, saying, “Femina dad, please don’t think that way. If I born ugly, I will get no on to marry, that will be another reason to get worried, isn’t it?”

Su Mowei thought for a while and he agreed and nodded to Song Qinghan. After looking around at the furniture in the room, he became sad again and sighed, saying, “At that time when your father wanted to hide the truth, I was opposed to him. But he is the breadwinner in the family, I’ve got no choice. If you married Wu Dahu in the very beginning. Your fate would have been better, without ruining your fame and life.”

That was quite a shocking news for Song Qinghan. Knowing that Su Mowei was not involved in that matter, he felt more intimate with him.

Well, that was truth, no one would put his own child into a worse life.

Su Mowei suddenly stood up and said while wearing his shoes, “Since I’m all fine now, it’s time for me to go back. Or your father is going to lose his temper again.”

Song Qinghan got his face brown hearing that, he tried to hold the hands of Su Mowei and persuaded, saying, “You almost got beaten to death last night. Why are you going back to such a home? I would say it was lucky for you under that situation, because I can sense what you suffered and saved you in time, what if next time I can’t sense it? ”

Su Mowei sighed, patted his hand to comfort Song Qinghan, and said slowly, “No matter what, it’s my home. That will make no sense for a femina male to stay outside overnight and is not willing to come back home. Even you are my son and I live with you, outsiders will still gossip.

“As for the matter of being beaten…” He paused for a moment and then continued to say, “Well, that’s my fate that I can’t reject. However, since he beat me seriously last night, he would take a long period of pause in the future. Don’t worry about me.”

Song Qinghan couldn’t understand and said angrily, “Why do you care so much about the gossip from the outsiders? As long as you are willing to, you can live here forever. It got no loss but benefits for you to leave that fierce and abrupt man! At worst, it’s better to find another for a partnership!

Su Mowei did not expect that he would say such words. He raised his head and looked at him seriously. After looking at him for a while, he smiled in a bitterness and shook his head, saying, “If you weren’t got the same look with my son, I would think that you are a fake figure, you’ve got a character far cry from the past. Han, if I live here for a long time as you wish. You probably will think everything will be fine, but have you thought of Dahu? It’s not an easy thing for him to earn the coins for the livelihood of three. Besides, a femina male can not live better if he leaves the original family. ”

Song Qinghan was still not convinced. He gave an example using the deed of himself, saying, “Right, I married Dahu, but I was abandoned by the original family.”

Hearing that, Su Mowei responded no words but only sighed.

When Su Mowei reached the door, he finally turned his head and said in a faint voice, “Dahu is a man of loyalty and honesty. You can’t find any others like him anywhere in this town, so please don’t be that capricious anymore, be grateful and happy living with him.”

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