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Song Qinghan and Wu Dahu looked at each other in the eyes, seemingly not knowing what ideas in their mind they had gotten.

They didn’t know whether Wang Chaoyuan himself had checked out the shop or not. Yet from the excitement shown on his face, probably the answer towards the question should be negative.

If he knew what kind of shop he got by winning the bet, probably he wouldn’t have been that much excited.

After all, win or lose couldn’t be only judged by the result of bet itself. The other party seemed to have lost a precious shop in a boosting area, yet indeed he might rejoice over getting rid of a hot potato. If, they ever put the whole thing into a more meticulous consideration, they probably could find out that such a bet was an entire cajole which was made up by the other party deliberately.

The two of them thought for a moment and then Wu Dahu took the initiative to ask, “Oh, then maybe we should give it a try first?”

“Okay,” answered Song Qinghan, and then he turned to Hualian, saying, “You should have known the whole matter in this shop now. Influenced by the former owner of this shop, people might be afraid of tasting the stuff you make. In such a case, will you still choose to have a try?”

Hualian seemed to be hesitated currently, and then he asked in a low voice, “What if I screw it up and sustain losses…”

“You don’t have to worry about this. We won’t always suffer the losses anyway, yet it will just be difficult for us to run a new shop in the very beginning and it will surely be a hard task for you. In all, it all depends on you now!”

Song Qinghan interrupted him and tried to imbue him with another way of thinking.

Sure enough, after hearing that running a shop wouldn’t suffer loss but would just be a bit strength-consuming, Hualian nodded vigorously with decisiveness, “I do, I do! I’m born to suffer and taste every piece of bitterness in this world. As long as it will be profitable, I will do everything for that.”

As he finished the last bit of his words, he raised his head to stare at the seemingly spacious shop, and then continued to say while clenching his fists tight, “From now on, I will settle down here, I will be the earliest chicken in the morning and stay up latest at night as a dog! I swear I will surely earn more coins for Young Master and Young Mistress!”

Song Qinghan can’t help laughing and shook his head, “It’s good for you to nurse such an ambition yourself, but how come you imagine you get an iron body? Probably you will just collapse after two days of struggling for that. And at that time the business starts to boost and you will go back to get yourself recover from all kinds of disease. Won’t that be more loss?”

Hearing that, Hualian nodded hesitantly and said obediently, “Okay, I will definitely take care of myself, and I will definitely take good care of this shop and business.”

Song Qinghan delivered Hualian a wry smile with resignation while Hualian seemed to have regarded the fate of the shop as one important part in his life. Song Qinghan approached and patted the pitiful man on the shoulder, saying, “Okay, now let us tidy the shop up first, after everything is prepared, we will pick a day to run the shop!”

The three people worked together and quickly arranged the internal part neatly. Song Qinghan even discovered some unknown powder from the corner on the ground. Well, no one knew whether such scattered bits of powder belonged to the so-called ‘soul-extracting powder’ or not.

By the time they stopped to rest, it was already noon time. After Song Qinghan had lunch, he recalled the fact that there still lay a patient who had stomach cancer in the Huichun Shop. Without hesitation, he headed to the Huichun Shop together with Yuan Wenxuan.

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