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Master Qingchen looked at the pattern on the ground which was formed by the turtle armor pieces and didn’t say anything for a long time. Just as Song Qinghan thought he was asleep, he finally moved his lips slightly and uttered, “Almsgiver, please forgive me to say that you might have met vile character in your recent life, and I’m afraid that you might be going to encounter a man-made calamity. Yet if you are able to get through it, the brightest future is waiting for you. And, for the bigger picture, the folks will be blessed by that too.”

Song Qinghan was again showing a face of astonishment. He did comprehend about the fact that he had met vile character himself because Wang Huailing and Lin Dafu showed up recently which was totally beyond his expectation, and moreover, he ignited Su Tingting who seemingly came from a noble family. In that case, it wouldn’t be strange for him to encounter a man-made calamity, but, what was the relation with the folks? Or did he bear a responsibility to rescue the livelihood?

Noticing that Song Qinghan was completely confused, Master Qingchen explained slowly, “It’s complicated than you think in your mind. Seeing is not always believing, you have to feel it by your heart. Only by that can you get a closer approach to the divine will.”

Well, it would be better if Master Qingchen didn’t explain. Now by the explanation it seemed to be obscurer.

Isn’t that just a simple calamity? To feel the calamity by heart? What is the logic? Should he figure out the real intention in a further consideration if he was seized on both sides by the arms?

However, Master Qingchen didn’t seem to have any willingness to continue to explain, he just uttered with an expression of exhaustion, “Almsgiver, I have told you all I should tell, confidential matters shall not be divulged too much in advance, otherwise the hearer might be in danger.”

Song Qinghan nodded, put his hands together and thanked Master Qingchen. After that, he left together with that little monk outwards.

But how easy would that be if he was not allowed to peek at the confidential matters?

Song Qinghan repeated thinking of the words Master Qingchen said to him. However, no matter how hard he tried, he failed to conceived of any idea.

When Wu Dahu saw Song Qinghan’s bad expression, a cold light flashed in his eyes. He frowned and said, “Did the Master say something rude to you?”

Song Qinghan snapped back to reality and shook his head, saying softly, “No, nothing. I just think too much over that. It’s alright, let’s go back.”

It would be better not to tell Wu Dahu the truth about the calamity if it would come one day sooner or later. Otherwise, Wu Dahu would definitely be bothered by such a worry.

Seeing Song Qinghan regained the calmness on face, Wu Dahu didn’t bother him for further details, even though he knew that Song Qinghan might have hidden something.

If Song Qinghan wanted to confess, he would. Since Song Qinghan didn’t want to talk about that, then it would just be nasty to force him to confess.

On the way down the mountain, they took a long detour and found a cherry woods imperceptibly.

There weren’t many people in the cherry woods, but not too few either. People gathered here to pick the fresh cherries from the trees using wooden ladders, all of them were putting on smiling faces, meticulously collecting the fruits into the baskets they brought.

Song Qinghan showed a face of covetousness, his mouth was full of water right now, he couldn’t help but approach and ask, “Do you own this woods? Are you willing to sell some cherries to us?”

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