chapter 26

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Thanks to the seasonings, they got their fruits well-sold. After the seasonings were sold out, half of bag of fruits were left.

Seeing that people got no interest on the fruits, they intended to leave and go back home.

“Hey, are you selling fruit of  fructus momordicae?”

A young man waved his hands towards them rushing over, it seemed that he wanted them to stop.

Song Qinghan nodded with his face full of confusion, saying, “What’s the matter?”

The young man stopped in front of them and held his own knees with deep breathe, saying, “I…I am the waiter in Huichun Shop, Doctor Luo asked me to come over here since he knew that you will come today. He would love both of you to go to Huichun Shop.”

Doctor Luo? Did he got the result of the medical function trial?

Song Qinghan looked back at Wu Dahu, wanting to see his reaction. Wu Dahu showed no intention to reject and nodded, saying, “Alright, let’s head to Huichun Shop.”

The young man led the way in front of them, while he turned around to see if the two keep following up within every few steps.

Noticing the pure and innocent eyes of the young man, Song Qinghan got to ask him without hesitation, saying, “Young Brother, do you know the exact reason Doctor Luo invited us for?”

A trace of embarrassment suddenly appeared on the face of the young man after he heard the question from Song Qinghan, but still answered him honestly, saying, “Doctor Luo aims to condemn you for something!”

Song Qinghan got himself shock hearing that, and then he sped up to walked in parallel with the young man and continued to ask, “What? Why? Is that something wrong with the fruits?”

The young man scratched himself on his head and said hesitantly, “Pro… Probably yes? I am not that sure, I am just a waiter there!”

Song Qinghan stopped his annoying and endless questions seeing that the young man was quite helpless to answer such questions. He just shut his mouth up and kept walking with his head lowering down.

However, he didn’t showed any grievance on his face, yet his mind was loaded with bunch of stones.

Condemn? Something wrong with the fruit? Or maybe he got an improper physique to drink that? He should have made it clear that day that people who long suffered with an ailing stomach were not allowed to drink the tea in a long-term period. Damn! Should he stop selling the fruits as he promised that day?

Wu Dahu could read out the unease of Song Qinghan, he patted him on his shoulder, saying, “Don’t worry, we’ll see what happens.”

Song Qinghan nodded, and leaned himself a bit to the direction of Wu Dahu, feeling bit warm in his mind.

Not long, the plaque of the Huichun Shop erupted in front of the three. The young man sped up and rushed into the shop, it seemed that he was going to inform Doctor Luo.

Doctor Luo showed in minutes, with his face grimed and serious. Song Qinghan spoke out his confusion lingering in his mind, “Doctor Luo, what is it?”

Beyond Song Qinghan’s expectation, Doctor Luo frowned and showed a more serious face, looking at him as if he was about to declare his guilty, and speaking in solemn tone, “How dare you! How dare you not take them out earlier since they possess such a perfect medical function!”

“No, no, listen to me.” denied Song Qinghan.

It was a subconscious reaction as for Song Qinghan, but later he realized the actual meaning from the words of Doctor Luo, he was stunned, asking, “What? What did you say? A perfect medical function?”

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