chapter 49

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Seeing that this couple was kind of sincere, Song Qinghan pondered a while, he neither rejected nor showed his agreement, saying, “Well, I can’t make that decision, I should negotiate with Dahu at first. So I will wait for Brother Laifu to come back first. If you guys don’t have any other issues, I will leave now!”

Bidding farewell to Zhuer, Song Qinghan came home with Laifu’s escort along the way. But at the moment he walked into the yard, he could feel something strange diffused in the air.

“Dahu?” Where are you?” shouted him.

Searching all around in the yard, Song Qinghan failed to find any trace of Wu Dahu.

How odd! Wu Dahu was still in his recovery, where could he go? If the man was out for picking Song Qinghan up, they should have met each other on the street.

Just as Song Qinghan was about to go out for Wu Dahu, he was blocked by a giant bear right outside the door all of a sudden.


Song Qinghan shouted, retreating to the corner of the wall, and then he took a long gaze at the bear in front. Well, that was a dead one, and Wu Dahu was right behind it.

Wu Dahu didn’t expect that Song Qinghan would come back so soon, he scratched himself on the head, explaining, “Laifu just told me that he got a business in the fur market, and mentioned the bearskin to me. So I went back to the mountain to find the corpse of it. And I found it is still tied up on the tree. I can’t lose this chance, so I pick it back.”

As he was explaining, he outstretched his arms showing the dazzlingly white gauze on his chest. He wanted to prove that he didn’t tear his wounds out of the strength.

With a sullen face, Song Qinghan was about to lecture this man again. But then he came to find it was just flogging a dead horse since everything was with peace, he just uttered in such a caring tone, saying, “Don’t care more about the bearskin than yourself. How worthy of it? Do you know how it costs when you got hurt? We don’t have any income these days, instead we have to pay for everything for a livelihood, including the medicine fee. Don’t you think that your health is more important than everything? It’s just a bearskin, if we are bound to lose it, we will. But what if you meet another beast or monster along the way, have you considered that ever?”

Nodding, Wu Dahu seemed to be guilty about all the matters, he pondered a while and then came to ask, “Are we facing a shortage of food supply at home? I will head to the town tomorrow.”

Shaking head, Song Qinghan answered, “You don’t have to. Laifu will help us out. You just stay at home for your recovery. You can’t go anywhere before you are recovered.”

“And, if Laifu comes again to deliver us the stuff I ordered. You just go and stuff the coins in his hands. I just helped remove the threads, nothing big. And that’s kind of minor operation. They don’t have to pay us back for that. Moreover, they did send us those two rabbits, didn’t they? That’s enough.”

Wu Dahu couldn’t help but look at the cage right at the corner after Song Qinghan mentioned the rabbits, saying in a surprise tone, “We’ve got a brood of bunnies?”

Song Qinghan accompanied with Wu Dahu to the cage, pointing at those five little bunnies which were cuddling up in a pile, and saying with a big smile, “Yeah, the female rabbit gave birth to them few days ago. Well, we’ve got busy days this period, I almost forget about that.”

These fluffy and adorable bunnies wriggled right there just like five little elves. Seeing these tiny animals, Wu Dahu came to a laughter in recalling the fact that Song Qinghan once said he would raised them to eat them.

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