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As soon as Guan Yiyu finished the last bit of his words, not only did Wu Dahu and Song Qinghan feel rather surprised and shocked, but also Hualian. He couldn’t help but frown tightly while gazing at Guan Yiyu in a condemning way.

Wu Dahu’s expression changed all of a sudden, and then he refused at once in decisiveness, “I already got a husband, I can’t marry anymore.”

“Is that so? And you should know that you’re abandoning the chance!”

Guan Yiyu inquired leisurely, and then suddenly reached out to hold on to the corner of Wu Dahu’s sleeve again.

Wu Dahu felt quite disgusted so he threw Guan Yiyu’s hand away, saying, “Please be respectful… Would you?”

A series of violent coughs burst out from his throat suddenly and his body became stiffer, as if the poison in his body had detected the vibrant emotional change and come into force.

Guan Yiyu’s eyes lit up and he smiled, “Well, well, it seems that you fancy me, more or less. Otherwise the poison wouldn’t come into force. Are you worried about your son? Don’t worry, I will keep him as my own child and treat him good. If the concerns still trouble you, it will be all fine for me not to give birth to any child.”

The more Guan Yiyu said, the fiercer Wu Dahu coughed. His body shivered and teetered violently as if he was about to collapse the next second.

Song Qinghan, who had hidden in the shadow for a long while, jumped out from the corner suddenly, supported Wu Dahu by his shoulder before Guan Yiyu took any action, and then he said coldly, “Childe, please be respectful, and thanks for your kindness offering the chance. I don’t think there doesn’t exist the second snowlotus in this expansive world. Since it bothers you to deliver us the one you own. We will think of another way ourselves, now it’s time for us to leave.”

Then, he motioned Hualian to grab the other arm of Wu Dahu. And abreast, three of them walked towards the carriage.

It was a great surprise for Guan Yiyu to witness Song Qinghan jumping out from nowhere and popping up like an animal. Yet he didn’t approached and blocked their way but just stood still with arms folded across his chest, and then he said leisurely, “As long as Wu Dahu chooses to stay tonight, I will go and produce an antidote using the snowlotus as an ingredient for his first round of treatment.”

Facing with the condition, Wu Dahu didn’t say anything but Song Qinghan himself sank into a long hesitation.

As long as Wu Dahu could be treated for the first time and the poison wouldn’t break out within a week. He could attend the last provincial competition tomorrow either the final tournament in the state capital.

Noticing that Song Qinghan was hesitating, Guan Yiyu continued to fan the flame.

“The antidote for the first treatment. I would give it to Wu Dahu as a requiting gift for saving me that day. No more other conditions I would require expect this one.”

“What? Are you afraid of something else?”

Song Qinghan’s eyebrows sank tightly as he stared at Guan Yiyu who was with a wry smile, and then he answered decisively, “Then I will stay together with him!”

Guan Yiyu was also straightforward and responded directly, “Fine!”

Wu Dahu never won every time when Song Qinghan made up his mind in decisiveness, so he had to got off the carriage again obediently. Song Qinghan looked at Hualian who was still on the carriage, and then ordered, “Take care of Wenxuan and Little Shitou. We will go back tomorrow.”

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