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The master seemed to have acknowledged  that he might have confessed too much, so he chuckled and changed the topic, “So, about the legend of the snowlotus, all the information we can get was from our ancestors. It’s said that at the very beginning when they settled down here, lots of people died due to the extreme environment. And, the worst thing was that they once encountered the attack of the wolf pack. It posted no possibility for them to survive that time.”

“However, right at that perilous moment, a snow-white snowlotus rose from the ground under the great moonlight. Though they were much far away from that flower, the fragrance given off by the lotus was like the one given off by themselves, the fragrance was incredibly thick!”

“Not long after this snowlotus appeared, the wolf king let out a long roar and then led the wolf pack to leave the place. Thereafter, the wolf pack never showed up in this area again, no one knew whether they were scared by the lotus or went to chase it.”

Song Qinghan listened to the master seriously. Noticing that the master stopped narrating midway, he frowned and said, “That’s it?”

The expression on the master’s face was even more embarrassing now, he scratched his head with awkwardness and answered, “Yes, that’s all, as I told you, that is just a legend…”

Song Qinghan got his face sullen suddenly, yet he didn’t complain about anything. In fact, he already guessed that if the whereabouts of the snowlotus were so easy to find, such a panacea wouldn’t have been so rare in this marketplace.

But hey! The so-called legend only mentioned the name of ‘snowlotus’, except that, no other valuable information was mentioned at all!

A snowlotus rose under the moonlight? Well, that would make no sense to claim that the snowlotus incarnated into a traveling creature, right? But it might make more sense saying that the snowlotus was in full bloom right at that moment. Yet, how come such an information be a valuable one as it didn’t mention the exact location of the snowlotus at all. Moonlight could reach everywhere, after all!

However, if this legend was real, then at least one thing could be clarified: In the area visible to the naked eye, it used to be the growing area of the snowlotus. As for whether he could find it, his luck should be the only factor he could rely on.

Thinking of this, Song Qinghan felt that he couldn’t delay any longer. He cupped his hands together and bow to the master, saying, “Thank you for the information, I will go myself and search around this surrounding place, probably I can find something out of my luck.”

Seeing that Song Qinghan’s countenance was rather pale with a pair of bluish black lips, the master couldn’t help but stop him, “No way! Look at yourself, don’t you see how bad conditions you get? You have to have something to eat and wear more to keep warm before setting off! Moreover, do you really think that you’re able to go further as a femina man? What if you encounter some beasts? Just wait for me until I handle all the matters of the village. I will escort you!”

Even though Song Qinghan had already acknowledged that he was ‘deceived’ to be here, he still felt a bit warm in his heart after hearing what the master said. He smiled and said slowly, “I really appreciate that, but you won’t never know how this event matters to me, I will go back very soon for the meal, and I won’t go so far away!”

After that, he picked up a random wooden stick at the corner of the wall, supported himself by stabbing the stick into the snow and walked out of the village step by step.

The master sighed heavily with resignation, he never expected that Song Qinghan would be so tough as a cow. If he really got some times now, he would definitely follow Song Qinghan in behind right now. Without a better idea, he ordered one of the residents to follow Song Qinghan in behind and escorted him.

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