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Song Qinghan smiled, he didn’t blame Lu Sen for being so timid. He used his finger to tap on the table slightly, and uttered slowly, “But no one knows whether he will say something like he did before to you.”

All goose bumps erupted suddenly as Lu Sen recalled the scene he met before, and then he responded hesitantly, “How about, how about we leave here temporarily? Or we can get the local yamen runners here and get them hidden aside?”

Seeing that Lu Sen was rather nervous, Song Qinghan laughed, saying, “Do you really think that we now get enough time to do so? Probably he will murder all of us before we react. Or maybe he got his fellows outside the door. As soon as we go out they will catch us. Everything is possible.”

Lu Sen thought about it carefully and found that Song Qinghan was right. Yet anxiety was still haunting him completely, he stood up abruptly, “Then what should we do? Maybe we should get some weapons ourselves, like the kitchen knives?”

Song Qinghan sighed and shook his head, “Hey, calm down. Isn’t it just our speculation? Maybe he will do nothing and just leave!”

Lu Sen opened his mouth slightly as if he intended to retort. But considering that Song Qinghan was the owner of the house, he failed to say something but nodded and sat down obediently, trying his best to calm down.

Noticing that Lu Sen was gradually calming down, Song Qinghan walked out of the room and gathered the other members into the room. And he himself was left alone in the yard, watering the flowers in a leisurely manner.

Wu Dahu seemed to be more idle than Song Qinghan. He practiced his own trained martial skills under the pavilion, no one knew whether he was preparing for the upcoming conflicts or not.

Not long after, the door of the room where the mixed-race man stayed creaked open. The tall and muscular man took a quick glance at the two and then turned his head back to the room. Seemingly, he was talking something to the mixed-race man inside, and after that, he shut the door and rushed towards the gate the house.

Song Qinghan thought that things had come to an end and the man would leave with peace, but just as the man was about to step out of the gate, he suddenly turned his head and roared in a low voice, “Since it was you who saved him, I won’t do anything bad to you. But if I can see him here next time when I come here again, you will see what the consequence will be out of my wrath.”

Song Qinghan didn’t intend to kick the mixed-race man out of the house, but it was quite uncomfortable to hear such an unpleasant utterance, so he frowned and responded, “It’s totally beyond our will to decide where he should live, why don’t you just take him now since you do have intention to do that? If you want to utilize him to do something unpresentable, what do you think you have the qualification to be wrathful?”

It was still a myth to trace who was the main criminal to the incident of the other mixed-race man being burned to death by the officials. Thus, Song Qinghan still had to be fully alert to the man in front of him currently.

Hearing that, the man turned his whole body over abruptly, and then glared at Song Qinghan with his pair of eagle-like eyes, while uttering menacingly, “What else do you know? Don’t you know the truth that when one is being curious, he is at the edge of death.”

Song Qinghan laughed and waved his sleeves calmly, “Well, speaking of the truth, we know better than you that we’re both the ants in the same cave right now.”

Probably Song Qinghan’s words worked when it came to convince the man. The man pondered for a brief moment, and then responded suddenly, “They aren’t the unpresentable factor.”

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