chapter 50

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Waving hands, Qin Aye came to say, “That’s not his fault at all. And if I wasn’t going to send the clothes to them but others, I would just happen to fell down. How can you just blame it for Dahu? Silly boy, go back your home now!”

Youning still clung to a rage, nursing a grievance, and saying, “NO, if you just visited them once, you wouldn’t happen to fell. You just kept visiting them and they just kept their absence. They were never at home. That’s the point, alright? So if they are not the culprit, who will be?”

With a sudden jerk in mind, Song Qinghan took a glance at Wu Dahu, saying, “Qin Aye, Is that true? We had been absent for some days because we got some more important things to deal with. We’re so sorry for that.”

Facing all the matter with such an awkwardness, Qin Aye didn’t admit to it nor did he deny, saying, “I told you, it’s not your fault. Don’t listen to this young little boy. Just grab tight your clothes and go back home.”

Frowning, Wu Dahu murmured, “Well, I know we are not the direct reason causing your accident, we should bear the major responsibility. Please come with us to the town before sunset.”

Qin Aye retorted, saying, “NO! I mean it! I’ve prepared myself some herbs for medicine. It will just be fine in few days. Don’t waste money for my unconspicuous injury.”

With that shout, Qin Aye sat down on the chair with a rage, crossing his arms in front his chest, seemingly he was such a tough guy without showing any softness to compromise.

Witnessing Qin Aye was being tougher on his attitude, Song Qinghan pondered a while, suggesting, “How about that, you just sit in your bed, and let me check out your leg which is broken, and let me see how serious it is. Although I am not an expert or experienced doctor at all, I do know some treatments, maybe that can help you a bit.”

Youning stood aside by Qin Aye with his face full of disdain, saying, “Ha? You just confess to us that you’re just a dabbler. So how can you be such a conceit guy saying as if you are capable to cure Qin Aye? It’s been a long while since he got injured, can you just shut up and be responsible? If Doctor Luo is here, he probably got some REAL treatments.”

Just at the moment Youning finished his utterance, Qin Aye patted this young man on his shoulder, frowning and saying, “Youning, stop talking nonsense. Go back home and ready for dinner.”

That actually wasn’t a punch or a thump at all, but the action seemed to break the young man’s self-esteem, and then Youning got his eyes red-rimmed all of a sudden, stamping his foot, and saying with a rage, “What I did and said is good for you. Did you forget the fact that it was me who carried you home, and ask the prescription for you. Well, it seems that you don’t need that anymore, so I won’t come here again.”

With that shout, he ran away and left the house, wiping tears out of his face.

Song Qinghan frowned standing there, and then heaved a sigh, coming up to support Qin Aye, persuading in a sympathy tone, “Youning isn’t a bad boy at all. Don’t worry, we won’t show any resentment on him.”

Qin Aye didn’t respond in a flash, he was just staring at the direction where Youning left. It was Wu Dahu who read out the worrisome look lingering on Qin Aye’s face, he consoled, saying, “He is just a kid, and I believe that he will surely come back here to visit you as soon as he is at all peace. Don’t worry about that!”

Shaking head, Qin Aye showed his sullen face all of a sudden, saying slowly, “He is a young kid of kindness. His femina dad will punish him if he dares to come, so every time he just visited me, he got lectured and punished. But he still insisted on it. Well, I think it will be much better if he never comes again. That’s good for him not wasting time on me, I’m just a pathetic old man with no money and prestige.”

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