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After they all reached an agreement, Song Qinghan didn’t rush to inform Mu Qingfeng about the detailed tube manipulation. Instead he wanted Mu Qingfeng to finish his own affairs first, and it was not until the next circulation started did he commenced demonstrating every step.

It was not painful to simply insert the tube, so Mu Qingfeng did not take the poppy powder anymore. Moreover, the slight pain was good for making him sober in the head, and at the same time it was good for him to keep every single movement of Song Qinghan in mind.

When Song Qinghan finished all his actions, he basically remembered all of them.

Noticing that Mu Qingfeng didn’t inquire of any questions, Song Qinghan didn’t judge on him that probably Mu Qingfeng was an arrogant person. Because he definitely knew that these people here in this ancient time was quite queer. That wouldn’t be strange to know that Mu Qingfeng could remember everything at a glance if Yuan Wenxuan had the same capability.

However, he did not leave immediately after the teaching. Instead, he asked Mu Qingfeng to continue finishing his own affairs. When the next circulation started, he witnessed by his own eyes that Mu Qingfeng was able to process everything by his own. Not until he found that nothing should be worried about did he commence packing up everything and intend to bid farewell to Mu Qingfeng.

To be honest, getting a physical relief couldn’t be a solid proof to ensure that Mu Qingfeng was allowed to live three more years through such a method from Song Qinghan. Yet Mu Qingfeng now gave a full credence to Song Qinghan from the deepest part of his heart for no reasons at all. So when Song Qinghan mentioned that he was about to leave, Mu Qingfeng didn’t say anything to retort, but permitted without hesitation. Furthermore, he ordered Old Xuan to arrange the affairs of those triplets going home with Song Qinghan.

But just as Song Qinghan was about to leave the place, Mu Qingfeng opened his mouth again, “Well, out of kind notification, I should inform you that those triplets might not be a blessing for you to keep them with you. Yet since they were all auctioned and sold out, nothing can be withdrawn right now. And it won’t be our responsibility to help you out anything about that from the day on. So what I can only do now is to remind you of something like that. Take care.”

Song Qinghan was stunned but he still nodded. His mind once again went wild as he stared at the scene Old Xuan urged the triplets to get into the carriage.

Was it impossible that what the triplets were worried about was indeed the warnings from Mu Qingfeng?

Well, he didn’t even have the ability to protect himself, let alone to protect the triplets. Furthermore, the appearances of those triplets were totally a far cry with the ones of the folks, which probably would be recognized at once when they were on the street. At that time even they intended to escape, it would be so hard for them to get out of the area within the Yueban City.

Fortunately, the outsiders probably wouldn’t have a chance to figure out the exact location of the triplets thanks to the matter of treating Mu Qingfeng as a buffer. As long as they were able to go back home covering up, it would be hard for the outsiders to detect anything wrong.

With that thought, Song Qinghan took Yuan Wenxuan into the carriage and gestured to the triplets mentioning them to be quiet. Noticing that their eyes were full of nervousness and uneasiness, he calmly uttered, “You weren’t even afraid of death at all previously, what are you afraid of now?”

In fact, ever since Song Qinghan visited them, the triplets had never tried to commit suicide anymore. Now that they heard Song Qinghan’s words, they suddenly remembered the pain when they committed suicide. And they got their nerves strained all of a sudden, yet the expressions on their faces relaxed at once.

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