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The master pondered carefully and found that the snow here wasn’t melting naturally if it hadn’t been artificially roasted by fire. He thought for a moment and asked Song Qinghan as followed, “So, it won’t be possible for us to warm the air up by burning firewood inside and cook, right?”

Although the whole process seemed to be quite troublesome, if the idea was really feasible, he didn’t mind building some of that according to Song Qinghan’s suggestion. Anyway, they got nothing to do right away.

Song Qinghan nodded and pointed to the wooden houses which were tumbledown everywhere, “Though we can’t burn fire inside, I think it will be warmer in an icehouse  than in such wooden houses as it is promising to cold wind isolation.”

The master nodded and reacted immediately. He put on his furry gloves and walked to an open space, and then said comfortably, “Then I’ll make one for you now!”

Seeing that the master started to grab the snow on the ground, Song Qinghan pondered and and then came to suggest, “Why don’t you find some slabs here, fix them in a right angle, the next movement you can put the snow in, and then squeeze it into a shape of bricks?”

The master nodded obediently with a rather earnest attitude as he found Song Qinghan was a real wit instead of talking some nonsense, so he turned around and went to find some slabs by his own for the molding.

Night fell out of everyone’s attention, Song Qinghan held tighter the fur coat on him. He stood still at the center of the spacious ground, raising head to stare at the vast and boundless starry sky.

Up over his head he could see there were countless stars sprayed on a ‘Black Curtain’. Such a scenery should be something romantic, but deep in Song Qinghan’s mind, there was nothing but a despair disappointment.

Nothing, not even the moon.

The next second there came a flux and reflux of wolfpack’s roars, yet it sounded like the wolves got no strength at all. Probably it was because the moon stood them up tonight.

The sound of struggling burst suddenly from the small dark room. Song Qinghan knew that it was Goudan who now got his drug addition again, he then walked hurriedly into the room.

Inside the room, it could be judged by Goudan’s current look that it was a far cry from the one in the day. When Song Qinghan first met him during the day time, he was still somewhat a bit equipping with a sanguine look though he was absent-minded. But now, if no one once mentioned that the figure right in front was actually Goudan, Song Qinghan probably would regard him as an animal going crazy.

However, he definitely knew that this was not what Goudan wanted. He took a step forward and grabbed the Goudan’s hand, saying in a low voice, “Can you hear me? If you still can comprehend my words, nod yourself three times.”

Goudan attempted to catch Song Qinghan backhanded. However, since Song Qinghan dared to catch him, of course he had all-prepared himself. With some use of tricks by Song Qinghan, Goudan could only do useless work around twisting his arms.

After struggling for a moment, Goudan finally compromised and then lowered his head. He nodded three times vigorously and answered, “Please kill me! Please let me die! I beg you to send me to the snow forest! I can hold it anymore, it really suffers me right now! I just can’t…”

Song Qinghan noticed his mouth movement from the corner of his eye and suddenly reached out to dislocate his chin with a lightning speed, preventing him from biting his tongue for his suicide intention.

Although biting one’s tongue wasn’t a right method to get killed, Song Qinghan just did not want to stand still and see the whole event festering and developing towards the worst situation.

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