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Wang Chaoyuan thought it was actually Wang Huailing who ruined Song Qinghan and Wu Dahu’s moods as these two were both putting on an expression of seriousness and solemnity, he didn’t know the fact that they had just encountered a troublesome issue in that medical mansion just then. Thus, he hurriedly said with an earnest face, “Don’t worry, I will definitely teach that bastard fiercely this time. You know what? His father insisted on getting him married to me, I wanted to refuse yet I got no proper reason. And now, well, I think I have caught something to make an excuse.”

Song Qinghan delivered him a wry smile, and then he shook his head, saying, “Marrying him or not is your own business, what’s the relation between the disharmony between us and your marriage with him?”

Beyond Song Qinghan’s expectation, Wang Chaoyuan opened his eyes wide and then took a step forward to approach to Wu Dahu, he put one of his hands on Wu Dahu’s shoulder, saying in a casual tone as if he had long been a good acquaintance to Wu Dahu, “I get a close relationship with Brother Dahu, closer than those ones of blood tie! Don’t I? Brother Dahu. We should have become sworn brothers! It would be equivalent to slap myself in the face to offend you. So tell me, how come it’s not being called a relation?”

Wu Dahu pulled his hand away expressionlessly and said calmly, “Is that all your intention today to get us informed?”

Wang Chaoyuan chuckled, rubbed his hands as his eyes rolling, and then he whispered, “Today’s such a brightly good day, isn’t it? I would love to draw a picture of all of you as a keepsake. Will you allow?”

Well, even a dead rat knows that there isn’t a free pie in this spacious world. Wu Dahu raised his eyebrows, saying expressionlessly again, “Make it clearer!”

Noticing that his own tricks were being exposed, Wang Chaoyuan didn’t intend to hide anymore, he coughed slightly, and then said in a cheeky awkwardness, “Actually… I made a bet with someone, I told him that your husband should be the third beauty within the state capital. But that guy refused to accept my idea. So I’m coming here today wanting to draw a picture of your husband. Please, I am confident to win that bet!”

No one would be happy as his beloved partner was used as an ‘object’ in a bet! It could be seen from Wu Dahu’s expression that he was actually struggling to suppress his anger in mind. Getting face darkened with impatience, he answered indifferently, “Well, then you should go back to admit defeat yourself!”

Wang Chaoyuan grabbed the corner of Wu Dahu’s clothes and hurriedly responded, “Don’t rush to make a decision, why don’t you decide after listening to the conditions I am able to offer you…”

Wu Dahu coldly glanced at the hands of Wang Chaoyuan and said calmly, “Let go, I will never accept any deal in exchange of the cost of my husband, not even a picture of appearance copy. Furthermore, I will definitely tear your mouth apart if you dare to be garrulous around!”

Seeing that Wu Dahu said so with solemnity, Wang Chaoyuan only had to loosen his hands and remove from Wu Dahu’s cloth, yet his sight fixed on Song Qinghan without any movement, and then he said in grievance, “If I win the bet, the shop located at the city north will be mine. In fact, the shop isn’t my goal at all, I just want to win that bastard one time. If I will win that bet, I will consider giving you the shop as a present…”

A shop? Song Qinghan raised his eyebrows in surprise. How he felt now was just like someone sent him a pillow while the drowsiness overwhelmed and occupied his brain. He pondered for a short while, and then replied, “Deal! Just draw right here.”

And then he waved and raised his hemline high in the air naturally and unrestrainedly, sat directly on the stool in the pavilion. Among his delicate appearance there outflowed a sense of heroic spirit.

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