chapter 51

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Without any further persuasion, Song Qinghan didn’t utter anything because he knew how strong and tough Qin Aye was. If this old man refused at the very beginning, nothing could change his mind to take others’ assistance for his long-term predicament.

So this time Song Qinghan had to make it, make it succeed to cure Qin Aye!

Just at the moment he was pondering upon the object he could use to replace the plaster, Wu Dahu walked in all of a sudden with bunch of planks in hands.

Taking a glance at his man, Song Qinghan showed a look of confusion, asking puzzlingly, “What are they used for?”

Wu Dahu assembled the planks in a somehow complex way, explaining, “Didn’t you say that you want to fix Qin Aye’s leg? Although you didn’t mention waht kind of planks you want, I think this will still work since they are in the same method.”

Taking a sudden jerk, Song Qinghan took a pause, but with a glance at the planks, he got something in his mind.

How could he not be able to conceive something like that? Well, he might put too much attention and rely on some certain modern methods. That failed him to think of an ancient way to apply. In fact, he did try to use some planks to fix legs when he was in his college time, but time would make him an amnesiac one.

Noticing that Song Qinghan didn’t say anything in retort, Wu Dahu took the initiative to take the liquor and commenced disinfecting the planks himself, gesturing on Qin Aye’s leg, and then he turned to Song Qinghan, asking, “Am I right? To fix it directly?”

Getting back composure, Song Qinghan took the gauze over and wrap them on Qin Aye’s injured leg for around several circles, ensuring that this pitiful old man wouldn’t be pressed and get pain, and saying, “Now, fix it. Fix only one crucial section of it.”

Nodding, Wu Dahu put all the planks one by one cooperating with Song Qinghan, and fixing them slowly.

It seemed that Wu Dahu got the treatment smoother than Song Qinghan did in his previous time. He didn’t even take much action on dealing with the outer side of those planks, but he could fix them all applying to suit the leg of Qin Aye.

Without any feelings of discomfort or pain, Qin Aye seemed to stay quite calm in this process. Being given the feedback from him, Song Qinghan came to explain again, saying, “It will fall to us for the meal stuff, please stay in bed as long as possible.”

Nodding reluctantly, Qin Aye finally delivered them a smile, saying, “Alright, alright. I will just trouble you two again, I really appreciate that. Go home now, it’s getting late.”

The young couple nodded at the same time as if they had negotiated in advance, and then packed everything up preparing to leave.

At the moment they were about to step out of the yard, Qin Aye shouted all of a sudden, saying, “If you guys get time, please go and visit that kid, Youning I mean… But… never mind, don’t go there. I am not sure what he will gush to you again. You know, he got a tough mind and is such a guy in denial.”

With a slight smile on face, Song Qinghan answered, “Take it easy, alright? Aye. We did plan to go visit Youning. I think if the misunderstanding between you and him is unable to be untied, there will always be such a depression for him. That is not good for his growth.”

This time Qin Aye didn’t refuse at all, he just came to a heavy sigh, looking at the couple in front of him, and saying in gratification, “You guys are such of kindness. You should know the fact that despite you’re suffering bitterness now, there will be bunch of good lucks and fortunes waiting for you.”

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