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Song Qinghan fixed his eyes on Mu Qingfeng for a moment, seemingly he was organizing his language.

It was not easy to personally announce the illness to the patient, whether it was in modern or ancient times.

Even if Mu Qingfeng himself got a mighty mental quality, he was still a human being who was made of flesh and blood.

“The highest possibility for this illness, as far as I am concerned based on the careful examination, is something called uraemia.”

Song Qinghan uttered as he tried his best to describe it in a preciser description, though he knew probably Mu Qingfeng would still fail to understand.

However, even though Mu Qingfeng couldn’t fully understand Song Qinghan’s words, he was still able to recognize ‘uraemia’ in his own understanding.

“Do you mean… I got toxin in my urine?”

Mu Qingfeng asked with his expression on face grew even more sullen. No one knows whether he was trying his best to understand Song Qinghan’s words or he was just too upset to accept his fate.

Song Qinghan shook his head, and then he was lost in thought again. After a while of pondering trying to organize his words to describe the symptoms in a way preciser method, he came to explain, “Let’s comprehend it in this way. You’ve got a kidney failure, and it is a root cause bringing the other abnormalities to the other organs. And overall they are called uraemia.”

This explanation was not that difficult to understand, so Mu Qingfeng quickly nodded and asked in a low voice, “Then, do you have any effective treatment?”

Hearing the question which Song Qinghan had already expected Mu Qingfeng would ask, Song Qinghan sighed secretly himself in his mind, and then it was followed by a brief while of silence. It was not until Mu Qingfeng showed his impatience on face did Song Qinghan finally responded, “Sorry to tell you but this kind of disease is incurable.”

Mu Qingfeng’s hand on the armrest tightened and then he uttered in a rather cold tone, “What did you say? Do you know what the consequence for you to saying that?”

Song Qinghan remained his calmness there without any expressional changes, and then he answered peacefully, “I do know, but I also know that I will be vanished right away if you just think that I am useless. But even so, I still retain my opinion. But… I’m still valuable for you.”

However, since Song Qinghan had announced Mu Qingfeng’s doomed fate, it seemed that an invisible barrier had already erupted between them. Mu Qingfeng sneered after hearing Song Qinghan’s words, “Since I’ve got an incurable disease, so tell me what your utility value is except to be a burial object for me.”

Beyond his expectation, Song Qinghan didn’t make an immediate answer at all but just glanced around in the hall as if he was just visiting a mansion of his friend’s. After that, he responded unhurriedly, “Since you have such a great energy to construct such a kingdom here, you might have nursed a big ambition yourself to complete a big project, right?”

Mu Qingfeng paused for a long time and then asked, “So what? Things will develop in the opposite direction when they are getting better, and in a blink of an eye, everything vanish all of a sudden.”

Song Qinghan shook his head and said seriously, “Everything existing in this world should have its own value and leaves its mark in this world. Otherwise, history will never get its form. Those who finished their amazing achievements will still live in the long history, won’t they?”

His words seemed to have touched a certain point deep in Mu Qingfeng’s heart, and most importantly, they had brought a peace to the ambience.

After a while, Mu Qingfeng said again, “No doctor thinks I can survive this summer.”

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