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Even though such an inconspicuous dish was nothing when it compared to all the stuffs Hening did for him, he was only capable of doing so due to the discrepancy of the identity.

The gift itself might be small but the goodwill was deep, this was a truth through the ages. The most expensive present would never be able to pit against the ones catering to the other party’s pleasure.

Hening raised his head to look at Song Qinghan when he finally finished eating the whole plate of sugar taros, and then he smiled slightly, saying, “Alright then, go back home now if you do not have anything else to get me informed. I know you’re quite busy.”

How dare would Song Qinghan be if he said that he was busy in front of the Infanta. But he indeed intended to leave now, so he made a bow with his hands folded in front and said, “Thank you so much, Your Highness. Forgive me if I am being melodramatic. But I have to admit that it’s such a great honor for us to meet you.”

After saying that, he left hastily without daring to look into Hening’s eyes.

Well, being as a man who was no more young, Song Qinghan couldn’t help but feel much embarrassed when he had to be so melodramatic. But he swore that all the words came from the deepest side in his heart, and that was why he would confess so even it was quite cringeworthy. If he was forced to say so out of some purposes, he would feel that difficult at all.

Hening was utterly shocked when he heard what Song Qinghan uttered, and suddenly he frozen stiffly as if he had become an ice man. It was not until Song Qinghan disappeared in sight did he finally heave a sigh, and then he shook his head slightly, murmuring, “SO DO I!”

No one in the world would treat you good without reasons. If someone really treat you good, that probably is because that you deserve to be treated like that.

Thinking of this, Hening stretched a bit his body and raised his hand again to wave to those entertainers who were in a standby status in the distance. Until the music was on again, he poured himself a cup of wine, looking at the branches which were blown by the breeze leisurely, and sighed again in relief.

Night had already fallen when Song Qinghan finally back home. And Wu Dahu had already come back either, with a face which confused Song Qinghan so much.

“Did you make it?”

He asked subconsciously, with his eyes revealing a hint of nervousness.

If Wu Dahu didn’t have to go on the battlefield, then he would be an idiot visiting Luo Haiyun and Hening for nothing.

Noticing that Song Qinghan was a bit nervous when he asked so, Wu Dahu smiled and explained, “Naturally, it is impossible to make it real. But for Little Shitou’s sake, they assigned me to be responsible for the security of the logistics team temporarily, and being a member of reinforcement.”

After a further consideration over the words of Wu Dahu, Song Qinghan patted himself on the forehead all of a sudden. Probably he was confused by himself not Wu Dahu. What was the point to be upset since Wu Dahu didn’t have to go to the front line now?

Wu Dahu was amused by Song Qinghan’s surprised expression, and then he asked curiously, “What’s wrong? Whom did you look for today? His Highness Hening?”

Song Qinghan coughed lightly and felt that it was better not to mention anything about his plan to bring the child together to the battlefield. So he just responded in a vague tone, “Something like that, I informed him about everything we are facing now, otherwise no one will know us even if we vanish without any trace.”

Seeing that Song Qinghan walked back to his room after that while seemingly pretending to be busy doing chores, Wu Dahu felt quite confused but he didn’t think of it in a further way.

Anyway, he would know whether Song Qinghan follow or not on that day when the team set off, if he dared to go…

Wu Dahu thought further about the consequence, yet he failed to conceive of any idea to punish Song Qinghan.

The hefty and tall ‘barbarian’ did not ‘disappoint’ Song Qinghan. He showed up again after two days, he knocked out the door remaining his immutably cold face, and didn’t even glance at Song Qinghan but walked straightforwardly to the room where the mixed-race man stayed.

Being concerned, Song Qinghan was zoning out even when he was watering the flower in the yard. If it was not Hualian who came to remind him of the fact that the water in the flowerpot was almost flowing out, he probably would have drowned the pitiful flowers to death.

When the man came out of the room of the mixed-race man, Song Qinghan took a careful observation at the man’s expression and noticed that the man’s face was covered with uncertain emotion. He wondered so much what the mixed-race man had confessed to him with nervousness.

Could it be that his plan to let the mixed-race man to make a tentative approach was exposed? Then what would he do next? Go and get the others?

Seeing that the hefty and tall man left after a casual glance, Song Qinghan felt a bit confused. He then looked back to check out, approached to shut the door and then walked into the mixed-race man’s room after a short while of pondering.

It seemed that it was totally matching the mixed-race man’s expectation that Song Qinghan would come in, so he spoke before Song Qinghan finally treated himself a seat, “I had already confessed to him about the triplets. Since I have known his intention, he confessed to me about everything.”

“Okay,” Song Qinghan sounded while moving a stool over and sat down, “What’s his next plan then?”

“They are just a droves of mischief-makers currently, no one wants to be a forever sh*t stirrer with no dignity at all.”

The mixed-race man said so in calmness. Such a peacefulness was more than a cynical type.

Song Qinghan nodded. He definitely unstop the current situation, and he would surely resort to any possible means to get rid of this fate if he were the man. However…

“Are you guys planning to establish your own state?”

“Yes,” the mixed-race man responded without an intention to hide it up since Song Qinghan had guessed so, nodding, “Even though the world is big enough to accommodate us, but why should it be us to take the risk to explore in the distant place rather than the close one? No one knows whether there will be some unknown dangers out there waiting for us.”

Therefore, the best solution was to solve the danger in front of them. After all, the peace mode would always prevail the chaotic mode…

Song Qinghan thought about it while asking, “Is this plan related to those triplets too? The establishment of your own territory should be powered by them?”

The mixed race thought for a moment and then answered, “From what I have known in the man’s words, yes.”

“He has already obtained the map of the Yueya Tribe. As long as there will be someone leading the team, he is quite confident to take down the whole Yueya Tribe. At that time when the Northern minorities congregate all their force in the front line without any power to support their own camp, the land will definitely be easy to be occupied without needing the slightest effort.”

“And we don’t even have to be hurried to take down everyone within the tribe but let them keep fighting against the Qingmu army in the battlefield, and we will take a good rest in their nest. When it is the high time to conquer everything, we will take down everything.”

Song Qinghan felt his blood boiling in his body when he heard so. However, he was not overwhelmed by excitement, he calmed down after a brief moment of pondering, and then frowned, “Why don’t you overthrow the regime of them first, and then summon back the army. Won’t it be more effective?”

The mixed-race man shook his head and calmly said, “What we want is to completely topple their regime instead of taking over their people. Because they will never ever admit the existence of us.”

Song Qinghan nodded thoughtfully, he had understood what the mixed-race man meant roughly.

If they were to utilize the ‘barbarians’ like those triplets, it would still be difficult for them to win the support of the minority even though they were able to overthrow the regime by that. Because no ‘barbarian’ would regard the mixed-race group as their compatriots.

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