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Song Qinghan paused, pretending to be quite surprised, “Who are you…?”

Suddenly, the pregnant femina man with a delicate appearance kneed down in front of Song Qinghan, sobbing while covering his face, “Mistress, the baby I carry in my belly belongs to Lord Wu, please, for the sake of the child, let me in…”

Song Qinghan raised his eyebrows and said calmly, “Oh, really? Should I just believe you so by your self-proclaimed words? Who knows whether you’re lying or not?”

Hearing that, the good-looking femina man pulled out a handkerchief from his side sleeve and used it to tap slightly around the corner of his eyes, and raised head, saying with pair of watery eyes, “I don’t blame you of not believing that, but as long as Lord Wu gets a chance to see me, he will know it. Please, Mistress, for the sake that I took a long journey from the state capital to here, just let me in for grabbing a good rest.”

Song Qinghan didn’t permit nor did he reject, he just sized up the femina man outside the gate from head to toe for a brief moment and then answered slowly, “How come you are that kind of confident over the matter that I will accommodate you? Don’t you worry that I will murder you secretly and hide things up, pretending that you never come here?”

The good-looking femina man paused while his expression revealed a hint of timidity, and then he answered hesitantly, “I know the fact that Mistress is a doctor, and you’ve got a heart of compassion. If you’re not going to accommodate me and the child in my belly, no one in the world will…”

Noticing that Song Qinghan was showing a face of dubiousness, he hurried to fan the flame, “Or if you don’t intend to do so, probably you can leave my child here. Hmmm, at least it’s the offspring of Lord Wu, they have a blood tie…”

Well, if he was right now talking to the other person except Song Qinghan, probably he would have been invited into the house and treated well. But Song Qinghan wasn’t the others, so what he thought was completely differed from the very traditional conception. For one thing, he knew exactly that this was indeed a trap. For the other, he was a man who was always brave to challenge the tradition. Thus, after the good-looking femina man finished his words, Song Qinghan responded without any hesitation.

“So what? It’s not a child who gets a blood tie with me, why should I keep him?”

The femina man with attractive appearance looked at Song Qinghan dumbfounded, at the moment he became rather speechless without words, as if he had never expected that Song Qinghan would express something which violated the customs.

Noticing that Song Qinghan was about to shut the door mercilessly, the good-looking femina man collapsed suddenly and then started bawling as if he got insane all of a sudden.

“Mistress, please spare the child’s life! At least let me see Lord Wu for a glance, I don’t believe that he is such a callous man who will leave his own child alone…”

Even though the passers-by who passed the house were not that much, anyone who heard the big noise couldn’t help but pause and stay, intending to watch a great show. Upon hearing the shout from the femina man, some of them commenced judging Song Qinghan, whispering.

“How can he be so cruel? At least the child is his husband’s offspring, he must be a demon trying to cover things up and get the child murdered.”

“That’s right, how vicious he is not letting this pitiful man greet the child’s father. I really wonder how wrathful his husband will be if everything exposes.”

“Tsk, his appearance doesn’t match his heart. Good-looking but dark inside.”


Song Qinghan turned his head motioning Hualian to bring him a stool. And then he placed the stool casually outside the gate and delivered a wry smile to the femina man outside, “Don’t you want to see Wu Dahu? Then wait for him here, and let’s find out if he ‘recognize’ you or not.”

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