chapter 54

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Nodding, Song Qinghan came to draw a conclusion that it was quite a perfect method of getting rich in this ancient time of seclusion, but if this way was applied in the modern time, probably it wouldn’t work smoothly.

Knowing that Song Qinghan could understand what he said, Wu Dahu continued to say, “The route to that town isn’t that kind of easy. And if I choose the main road, we might pass through a gang of villains and bandits. It would be fine if we just take a simple baggage in hands, they won’t bother us since we get nothing. But as for the fur stuff, at least we need two carriages to carry them back. And this must attract the attention of the group. And if we choose the route out-of-the-way, there will post some unknown risks like beasts and other monstrous creature. I heard that there existed a wolf king before in one mountain of the route. So to choose which route is such a trouble for us.”

“And now Laifu has already employed two assistants for his business. So now he got three people in this trip including him. He decided to set off when the team is consisted of five.” Wu Dahu continued to say.

With a shock and anxiety, Song Qinghan frowned, asking in a concerning tone, “So have they decided which way to go yet? Are the other two in this team good at fistfighting?”

Noticing that Song Qinghan did not show any meaning of retort, he came to know that it still had a room for consultation, then he answered, “They will combine the routes. In the beginning, they pick the main route, and as soon as they are approaching the gathering of bandits, they will change their way into the pathway. Once they leave far away from the bandits’ gang, they will go back on the main route. In addition, the other two Laifu employs currently are quite good at combat skills. After all, Laifu is not a guy of toughness, he needs someone to guard him and ensure his safety.”

Song Qinghan came to nod again, but the anxiety and worry still lingered on his face. With a sullen countenance, he continued to ask, “But… What if you guys don’t dodge those villains, nor the beasts? How can you make sure that the main route and pathway are going to be quite pleasant to your wills?”

As for this factor of risk, of course Wu Dahu had considered in advance, so he didn’t conceive any words to console Song Qinghan, but just uttered in a low voice, saying, “Well, I know that such risks are quite unavoidable. But I’ve heard from Laifu that one of the employed guy was an escort in transportation before, and he did escort once on that route. So I would say he probably get some know-hows. But it has been quite a long time since his last mission of escorting in transportation, I’m not sure if he still knows something valuable.”

Even though Wu Dahu showed no any indication and was neutral on the matter of this trip, Song Qinghan could still read out the inner eagerness of this man. Moreover, if Wu Dahu didn’t really want to go, he wouldn’t have said such a long sentence. Only if he would love to try it out did he get a motor-mouth.

Pondering for a while, Song Qinghan then came to asked calmly, “So have you counted yet how much you would make profit from this trip?”

Taking a pause, Wu Dahu then came to answer, saying, “Me and Laifu will share the most part of the profit. Probably I can earn five hundred silver coins for one trip.”

Opening eyes slightly, Song Qinghan tried to make a confirm, and saying, “Are you saying that you will share that five hundred silver coins with him, or you will take that amount of coins alone?”

With a smile, Wu Dahu answered in confidence, saying, “I will get the coins for my own only.”

Taking a deep and cold breath, Song Qinghan was shocked there. Well, now he could figure out why Wu Dahu just showed a decisive look over this matter even knowing how perilous the trip would be.

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