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Song Qinghan would never be dubious on Lu Sen’s moral manner, not only because Hualian went bail for that, but also the days they had been together.

Even though the Grand Coordinator should definitely possess a good moral manner himself, his subordinates probably weren’t like him.

Therefore, in considering the safety of Lu Sen, Song Qinghan got his attitude tougher and said, “What do you mean something which might be beyond what I have ordered to him? If you are not going to inform me about the detailed information, I am afraid I am not able to accept such a suggestion, Lord.”

Zhuxiu was silent for a brief moment, as if he was making a trade-off whether he should say it or not.

Yet, seeing that Song Qinghan was putting on a serious expression there, he finally came to confess and expose the fact, while lowering his voice and whispering, “It’s about the crime of treason. So, Childe Song… Isn’t it something beyond your expectation?”

Song Qinghan widened his eyes and said with disbelief, “Wait, what? How is it possible?”

Such a reaction seemed have given Zhuxiu some references to measure up the whole event. After all, anyone who got involved in such an affair shouldn’t be so shocked toward it unless he was a well-trained spy. It was rather obvious to draw a conclusion from Song Qinghan’s reaction that the possibility for him to be a spy was zero.

Zhuxiu loosened his shoulders while saluting again making a bow with hands folded in front, “I have said what I can say, Childe Song. Since you’re a man who knows the importance of distinguishing bad from good, I would recommend, well, out of my kindness… that you don’t get yourself involved in this affair.”

After that, he took a step backward, as if to plan to leave the place. But it seemed that something suddenly occurred to him at the moment he was about to turn around, he then uttered in peace, “Oh, by the way, don’t put too much hope on the Grand Coordinator, Childe Song, he is just an ordinary person either. Why don’t you pay more attention on yourself and your family? I heard that Lord Wu is going to head to the battlefield soon.”

“I will.” Song Qinghan responded with his absent-minded expression. Staring at Zhuxiu’s back which vanished at the end of the corner, Song Qinghan could feel nothing but muddy and messy thoughts overwhelming in his mind. All the thoughts flocked in, almost blasting his brain.

Well, these were indeed his unlucky days! ‘Disasters’ seemed to come one after another without a second for him to catch his breathe!

Wu Dahu saw everything in his eyes, he approached and then caressed Song Qinghan’s shoulder gently, and then came to console softly, “Don’t be anxious for that, let’s handle them one by one. As long as we succeed getting one of them solved, the other will be just a breeze.”

Song Qinghan leaned his head against Wu Dahu’s shoulder. Well, every time he got Wu Dahu aside, he could feel peace in mind. If they were not be bothered by all these troubles, their current situation would pit against the picture of “A Couple of Loving Mandarin Ducks Living in An Isolated Lake”.

Hualian seemed to be a bit absent-minded when he was tidying up the table. He carelessly broke several bowls in a row, and even got his palm scratched.

Song Qinghan walked into the room as soon as he heard the sound, and he shook his head with resignation when he noticed that Hualian was pretending to be strong, “Alas, we will head to the Grand Coordinator’s Mansion tomorrow morning. We will meet him no matter what happens.”

Hualian nodded like the chicks pecking the grains. And then he still spoke as a response after a while of pondering, “Mistress, I think it is… Lu Sen was framed by someone.”

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